San - Face Time ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・

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San was bored, so of course he decided to call his girlfriend to see what she was doing.

Meanwhile, Y/n was in class, but luckily she was in study hall, well she was supposed to be in study hall, but she was passing all her classes, so she decided to just relax in the main hall, until her next classes started.

Then, her phone rang.

Seeing the contact name is her boyfriend, she sighs and slides her thumb across the screen, accepting the face time call, while turning off her camera, out of habit. "Hey, San, arent you supposed to be at the company?" Y/n greeted, plugging in her earbuds, so other people wont hear her call. She saw Sans mouth moving, but suddenly she couldnt hear him anymore, she was too lost on staring at the ethereal man on the other side of the camera, and his messy dyed hair.

"Y/n!!" Sans voice suddenly shouts in her ear, making her flinch back into reality. "Jeez, babe, you werent paying attntion to me, were you?" San joked, pouting at the end of his sentence. "Dont even answer that, i know you werent. I said practice was canceled, and to turn on your camera! I want to see my girlfriend!" He demanded, threatening to turn off his camera.

Laughing at his tactics, Y/n reached out and turned her camera on, showing San a peace sign with one of her eyes closed, while smiling at him. "Satisfied, love?" She remarked.

San, on the other end, nodded while smiling cheekily, a dimple showing on his cheeks. "Yes, very much satisfied. How has your day been, darling?" He changed the topic, moving from where he had layed, to prop himself up on his hand and elbow, adjusting his phone on the bed.

Leaning against the brick walls, Y/n shrugged her shoulders and looked off to the side, "Meh, Ive only been to three classes, now im in study hall for another hour, then i have two more classes and im done for the day. Im hungry, want me to get us some food when i come back?" It was only 10, and Y/n could leave around 1:30, so she offered.

San shook his head, "No its fine. We can go on a date later!" He smiled brightly at his suggestion.

Y/n nods her head, "Yeah, okay. We can do that."

San lets a light laugh leave his lips, "Like you had a choice, love." He joked, making Y/n roll her eyes playfully. "Okay, I'll let you get back to your school things, have fun."

"Bye, love you!" Y/n waved.

San blows a kiss, "Love you too!"

𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 & 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now