Hongjoong - Candy Hearts ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・

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A/n: Update bc today was a good/bad day, it's 11pm and I just got home-....love you <3

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"You're late. Again." Y/n sighed, walking to the front as Hongjoong walked through the door.

The male let out a quiet sigh of his own, "I am home, now. I'm sorry, it was a long day at work." He said, his done curt and short.

"You could've at least called or texted me, I was sitting at the restaurant for an hour before realizing Hongjoong must be caught up in his work." Y/ns disappointed tone could be heard, but Hongjoongs day had made him quite impatient.

"I said i was sorry, can you not guilt trip me?!" He shoots back, his voice louder than it was before, making Y/n flinch away from him. "Im not guilt-tripping y-!" Y/n snapped in response, her voice raising slightly to match his, as she follows him into the kitchen.

"CAN YOU JUST SHUT UP?!" Hongjoong interrupted, throwing the empty water bottle he had drained into the trash can rather roughly. When he turned back to look at Y/n, he almost immediately felt bad. Y/ns face had dropped, and she looked like she was on the verge of tears.

"Darling, I'm sorry." He started, but Hongjoong was cut short by Y/n shaking her head at him. "Dont." She warned, walking past him to their bedroom.

Hongjoong sighed as he watched her frame disappear up the stairs. He lead against the counter top and rethought everything he's don't since he got home. Then, his phone started buzzing. He picked it up and saw the caller ID was his manager. Groaning frustratedly, he ended the call and picked his jacket back up to leave the house one last time. Y/n, on the other hand, heard the door slam shut and thought Hongjoong had left to ATEEZ's dorm. A tear slid down her cheek, she just wanted to spend a little bit of time with her boyfriend, away from work.

Hongjoong walked down the almost empty isles of the store, browsing the candy that they had. He already put various types of chocolate in his basket, along with a couple of snacks. Then he saw the cliche candy hearts gummies that had cheesy messages scrawled into them. He smiled slightly and put the candy into the basket, knowing it was some of her favorite candy. Walking to the cashier, he stopped when he saw a cute teddy bear with headphones around it's neck. The smile on his face was making his mask climb up his face.

"Y/n, darling?" Hongjoong hesitantly called out into the house again, the plastic shopping bag making the slightest bit of noise as he walked up the stairs. He felt a pillow his his back as he entered the bedroom. "I don't blame you." He says softly, slowly making his way to the bed. "I bought you an I'm sorry I was being a jerk gift." He brought his hand out and uncovered her face. "Baby, Ive had a rough day and all I want is someone to cuddle with. I should have come home and said that, not get angry and shout a you. I'm sorry."

"You are so lucky you're cute, and I love you." Y/n sighed, scooting over on the bed so she was closer to Hongjoong. "Aww, I love you t-" Y/n swat his shoulder, "Give me the candy." She demanded spotting the candy hearts in the bag.

"Can I have a kiss and hug?" He asked, pulling the bags out of arms reach. Y/n laughed softly and hugged his shoulders, while leaning in and kissing his lips. Then, she reached over and snatch the candy bags from him. "Hey! Not fair." Her boyfriend complained, but laid next to her in the bed and started to share the candy with her.

𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 & 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now