Mingi - Train Rides⋆.ೃ࿔*:・

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Part two?

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A loud horn blares through the air, a train following the noise, as the wind whips my hair around. I grip my luggage tighter, while pulling my coat closer against my body, trying to make myself warmer on this winters day.

Train 1117 pulls into the station, making me let out a breath i wasnt aware i was holding in. I quickly rushed to get on and find my seat, scanning my ticket and occupying my cabin.

Youre doing this for a new start, Y/n. Dont think too much about it. I assured myself, setting my luggage under the small bed. Then, i walked out, towards the back of the train, standing against the rails. I watched as the scenery flew by, it seemed calming.

Why cant it always be this peaceful?

The back door suddenly slid open, and in comes another pair of footsteps. I pay them no mind and continue watching the scenery.

"Views beautiful, is it not?" The person speaks, shocking me when i hear his deep voice. I turn towards the side, catching the gaze of a tall man. I nodded my head at his question, "Yeah, reminds of easier times." Then, i showed him a tight lipped smile.

He smiled back at me tilting his head a little to the left, "And what happened to you, to wish for easier times?" He questioned, and for some reason i felt myself grow comfortable around him.

I sighed, before turning around completely, leaning my back against the rails. "Do you ever feel like everything is too much? Like you want to escape from reality for a little bit?"

He looks down at the floor, a fond look appearing in his eyes, "Yeah, i feel like that a little too often." He chuckled humorlessly.

I cross one of my ankles behind one of the other, "I wish things werent going by so fast. One second im barely entering high school, the next im thrown into college. Its hard to move into the future, when youre still holding onto the past." I rambled, looking towards the floor, not realizing the stranger had walked a bit closer, leaning on the rail a couple feet away from me, with his arms, while hes looking at the tracks and greenery.

"Life does go by faster than you hope, but its important for you to take small breaks like this and ground yourself. Im sure youre doing the best thing you can think of right now, and i hope you feel better." He comforted, looking up from the tracks to me, then back again at the tracks.

I let out a scoff, a stranger can comfort me better than anyone i know. "Im Y/n." I smiled softly, for the first time in a while.

"Mingi." He smiled back.

We stayed on the back of the train for a while, until the intercom announced we'd be arriving at my stop soon. "Attention passengers, we will be arriving at Namyangju in 3 minutes." I sighed and started to walking back to my cabin, only to be pulled back. "This is your stop?" Mingi asked. I slowly nodded my head, "And this is going to be the last time we meet, isnt it?" He didnt even try to hide the disappointment in his voice.

I rub the side of my neck with my free hand, "Maybe, maybe not. Thank you though." He raises an eyebrow,"For what?"

He loosens his hold on me, "For listening to a stranger on the train." I say, leaning up and pecking his cheek. Then, i walk to my cabin and grab my things, walking towards the exit just as the train comes to a stop.

I stood at the exit station, watching the train leaving again, seeimg Mingi walk back inside, "Goodbye Mingi." I say to myself and walk out of the train station, wondering if fate would bring me back to Mingi.

𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 & 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now