─◌✰್ - Hongjoong as a Boyfriend👑

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👑 the sweetest thing ever

👑overprotective asfff

👑 if you are older than him, he would act like a total baby, if youre younger, he would still act like a total baby whenever he was feeling a bit stressed

👑 late nights at the studio do count as a date

👑 runs lyrics by you first before showing Mingi or anyone else, and often takes up your suggestions for making new music, but doesnt tell you about the songs he writes for you

👑 loves for you to go to the salon with him, watching him get his haired dyed.....again, and praying for his scalp

👑 goes clothing shopping with you, after countless times of begging, only to judge every piece of cloth you touch, and say, "You have no style."

👑 DIYs jackets, shirts, sweat pants, and earrings with you, sometimes beanies too

👑 tries to take you on a date at least twice every week

👑 on nights he would stay at the studio, you'd have to check in with him every two hours to make sure he was eating and taking a break regularly

👑 Mingi would make you pick him up from the studio when he refused to leave

👑 drunk hongjoong being clingy and pouty

👑 loves to wake up before you, just to see you open your eyes and him be the first thing you see every morning

👑 hes not too into hugs, but he will always hold your hand with your fingers locked together

👑 does not like you hanging out with the members because he claims you act too much like Mingi and Yunho

👑 was slightly offended when he found out he wasnt your bias, (it was Yunho)

👑 if you have a bad day he would literally raise hell to find out who hurt you, then he would cuddle with you, making sure you were okay. if you stayed up crying at night, later, he would stay up with you, since hes used to it, and rub your back soothingly as a way to get you to calm down

𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 & 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now