Yunho - Cupid ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・

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A/n: I wrote this at like 2am but I keep posting at like 12am😭 I stayed up yesterday night till like 6:30am and wrote SO MUCH
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"You've been staring at that man for like five minutes. Just ask him out already." Miyeon nudges your shoulder playfully as she sits next to you in the library. "Seriously though, you've been crushing on Yunho for what? A month now?" She says, pulling out her math textbooks and her notebook.

You tear your eyes away from the gorgeous man sitting with his equally as gorgeous friend, and look at Miyeon, "It's nothing-"

"It is not nothing, we all see the way you look at him and what you don't see is the way he looks at you. Put the man and yourself out of your misery's and ask him out please." She continues, shrugging off her light blue cardigan and opening up her laptop. "We are all still going to the beach tomorrow, you could bring him along as a date?" She suggested, "You know, I'm bringing Jongho, San and Wooyoung, Hongjoong and Chaeyoung, Yeosang and Mingi, Seonghwa's bringing Yeri. You would've been the one third wheeling anyways, so it's kind of better if you ask him." Your mouth drops open as you realize you actually might have to ask him. "Hey! We were supposed go together! You traitor." You throw a crumbled up sticky note at her as you get out your copy of They Both Die In The End and set it on the table.

She shrugs her shoulders, "I'll pay for coffee next week if you ask him out." She smirks, knowing you couldn't resists free coffee during finals week. You scoff and shake your head, "How dare you make me be social with caffeine." You see Yunho leave his group to go find a book in a bookshelf away from either of your two tables, then you stand up to follow him.

Miyeon just smiles and watches you leave.

You and Yunho weren't strangers, you could hold a comfortable conversations without a mutual friend needing to initiate your meeting. So you could say you two were pretty good friends, you didn't see how this would be different than any other conversation you two had. Though, the rapid beating organ in your chest could.

"Hey Yunho, are you doing anything this weekend?" You asked him, sucking in a breath as you waited for his answer. He scoffed and smiled sarcastically, "Oh, you know, got a hot date with my history textbook." You smiled seeing his cheeks turn a light shade of red as he pulled a genuine smile. "So you would be open to go to the beach tomorrow? A group of us are going and it only felt right to ask you come along too, wouldn't want you to be alone stressing over finals. Also, it seems everyone has a date or person to hang out with and I'm by myself so might as well include the cute guys I've been crushing on , right?" You rushed out the ending sentence to make it not seem like you were only inviting him so you wouldn't be alone.

"Hm, that does seem like way more fun than studying 1930's history." He leans against the bookshelf, crossing his arms over his chest as he looks down at you. "Also, I think it's no secret I've kind of been crushing on you too." He says, smiling widely when you blush at his words. "Okay, well you have my number, I'll text you tomorrow and we can drive up together?" You asked, looking anywhere but at the taller man. You smiled at each other before you walked back to Miyeon.

"Oh my god, I have no idea what just happened, how I just talked to him, or what I just said." You said as you sat down next to her, grabbing her hand and placing it over your heart that seem to be beating a thousand beats per second. She just giggled and started to pack her things, "Come on, let's give you a break from coffee, I'll buy you a tea."

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"Morning, I got you a coffee! Well, technically Miyeon paid because she lost a bet, but I still won the bet, which means I got you a free coffee!" You rambled, the lack of sleep messing with your brain.

You parked your car and greeted Yunho properly with a hug, opening your trunk so he could load in his bag for the weekend. "What better way to prep for finals than taking a detox break? Weekend beach getaway seems nice, huh?" He asked, already trying to mess with the radio from the passenger seat. "You are really lucky I like you, I don't let anybody put music on. You better not have bad taste in music." He laughed and smiled in victory when you liked the song he had put on.

When you two had gotten to the beach, you felt a lot more comfortable around Yunho. The two hour ride had given you the chance to bond more.

Since everyone knew each other well, you could all each hang out with whoever without it being awkward, so most of the day was spent being free college students but as the night began to fall and the bonfire started, everyone sat with who they came with. You sat near Yunho as you really wanted to establish a relationship with him.

This didn't go unnoticed by everyone else.

"When did Yunho grow balls and actually start to talk to Y/n?" Mingi muttered, helping make sure Yeosang and Wooyoung didn't burn themselves while making roasted marshmallows. "Actually, it was Y/n who made the first move. I saw them in the library." Jongho said, as he tugged the blanket away from Miyeon as the cool beach air pick up. "All thanks to me, all she needed was a push. A hard, caffeinated, push." Their chatter ceased for a moment as they watch you two laugh and grew closer to where you leaned your head on his chest. "What are they talking about, why is she so close to him, she should be cuddling with me!" Yeri says, completely ignoring the warm body holding her waist.

"Five bucks Yunho's trying to get her to walk in the sand with him." Chaeyoung says, looking around to find any takers. "10 says he's asking, wanna get outta here?" Mingi mocks in a low voice. The groups laughs grow even louder as they see the pair get up from their spots and leave the space, hands holding one another, walking towards an ice cream vendor.

"Guess you could call me Cupid, cause damn am I a good matchmaker or what?!" Miyeon jumps up excitedly, "And we still have the whole weekend to see these lovebirds start to fly, maybe they'll kiss by Monday."

"Okay, I'm happy for them, but if I see Yunho making out with my sister, I will throw up on this beach." San says, stuffing a s'mores into his mouth.

"Are they still staring?" Yunho asks, taking a bite of his ice cream, "Yeah, for sure." You say after you did a subtle turn around. Yunho shrugs and pulls you closer by the waist with one hand, keeping you pressed against him. "Well, they I guess we're their newest entertainment for the rest of the week." He jokes, his thumb brushing against your back in a soothing manner.

"Sounds fun."

𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 & 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now