Yeosang - Ice Skating ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・

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"Yeosang, come here!!!" I yelled, even though I was the one who ran into his room, seeing none of his members with him. "Hey, quick question: have you ever been ice skating before?" I asked, sitting on the bed next to him, while he sat on the floor, leaned against the wall and playing a game on his phone.

He looked up from his phone and stared at me, "Ice skating? No, I've never been. Why?" He asked, a smile on his face, along with a questionable glint in his eyes.

"Would you like to go ice skating?" I asked, a grin on my face. "My friend owns an ice skating rink and said we can go, we can even ask the boys if they want to go to. It'll be fun, what do you think?" I finished my thought, rolling to my side and facing Yeosang better.

"Uhm, well I don't know how to ice skate." He admitted, embarrassed, while rubbing the back of his neck. "What if I fall, wont it hurt?" He asked, ruffling his own hair. I laughed a little, at how cute he was, and got off the bed, to walk over and sit on the floor next to him. 'Yeosang, everyone falls once in a while, and if you don't know how to ice skate, I can always teach you. I've been ice skating since I was in middle school." I assured him, holding his hand in mine. "And if it makes you feel better, how about me and you go to the rink first, so I can teach you how to ice skate, then we can take the other boys, where you can show off your amazing ice skating skills?"

He lets a giggle slip out of his mouth, but nodded his head, "Okay, lets go."

We grabbed warm clothes in a separate bag and then we headed off, calling one of the companies drivers so we could get there.

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Lacing my right boot, I stood up slowly, before helping Yeosang with his skates. "This place is amazing, maybe we can come here all the time." He said, his eyes wondering around everywhere to look at all the things the rink has. I laughed and helped him stand up before we walked over to the ice.

"Okay, you might want to hold onto the sides until you can stand or drift a little." I pushed myself off a little, bending my knees and skating around him. "First, you cant be scared, or else you will fall, and yes, the ice hurts a little when you fall on your ass." He laughed at that, shaking his head. "Bend your knees and push off a little, glide around. You'll get the hang of it, sooner than later."

We stayed at the rink for about 3 more hours, before we decided to call it quits. Yeosang was getting pretty good, besides falling every now and then. The ice rink had a big food court in it, so we took our skates off and decided to get a quick bite to eat.

"So, what do you think about ice skating? Fun, isnt it?" I laughed at his face, covered in crumbs. He smiled with his lips together, nodding his head, his cheeks full of food. "Its really fun, yeah. But the ice does hurt a little. And my balance is kind of off, I think that's why I'm always falling." He said, while taking a sip of his drink.

"You definitely are going to be better than the other boys, aren't you?" I arched a brow, teasingly at him, making him grow a little shy. "I don't know, maybe I need some more practice. Lets keep coming here for a while before we come with the boys." He suggested, putting his hand on the blue table, while leaning back into his chair. "Okay, I'm down for that." I nodded along to him.

We left the rink after we finished eating, going back to the dorms, "Hey! Where have you two been?" Seonghwa asked, seeing us first, since he was near the door.

"Y/n took me on a date!" Yeosang said, smiling towards the older man.

𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 & 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now