Jongho - Cancelled Classes ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・

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a/n: based on a tiktok skit I saw...its literally 2am and I'm so sorry for not updating in so long😭 anyways, do you spell it cancelled or canceled?

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"Fuck! Finally done!" I yelled in excitement, closing my laptop and throwing it in my bag. I throw away all the empty cans of energy drinks that were left on my desk from last night, before going to the bathroom and washing my face and brushing my teeth.

"Class starts in twenty minutes, Y/n." Hyunsik, my roommate and best friend for over 14 years, called from our living room area. "You are so lucky you showered last night." The sound of his laughter gave me a headache as I spat out the toothpaste in my mouth. "Shut it!" I yelled, wiping my mouth and grabbing a jacket from Hyunsiks closet. "Come on! Let me drop you off." He says, leaning on the doorframe of the room. I grabbed my bag, making sure once again that my laptop was in there, then followed Hyunsik out the door to the parking garage under the apartment.

"Call me when you're classes are over or if you're ditching." He tells me as we pulled up to the school, making a phone signal with his hands. I nod at him, "Will do." Then grab my laptop bag and exit his car.

As I grow closer and closer to my classroom, I see my classmates sitting outside the room; all awaiting the arrival of the professor. I hope we have a notes day, that way I could get a little nap time and copy someone else's notes after. I only had one class today, but this class happened to be a two-and-a-half-hour-long lecture. "Whoa, sorry!" A masculine voice said loudly, and before I knew it I was flung back against a wall and a male figure was pushed to the ground. "Shit! Are you okay?!" I rushed over and helped him up; it was Jongho, one of the students here on a scholarship. "Oh my God, I am so sorry." I say in a slightly panicked voice, holding out a hand to help him up.

Before either of us could speak again, our phones chime at the same time, as do the other students who were around. It was an announcement from our professor; The text was a simple "There was an emergency event that happened in my life, which is why I won't be showing up to class. All projects will be given an extra three days to complete. Class is canceled enjoy your day off." A bunch of students cheered and immediately left campus, but I heard Jongho let out a groan. "Looked forward to class?" I asked out of curiosity. "Never, but I had a group rehearsal last night and barely got sleep on the train here and was looking forward to sleeping in class, but I did have a really big cup of coffee."  I lean against a wall, and put my hands in my pockets. "Yeah, well at least you got a little sleep. I stayed up all night on Red Bull finishing the damn project that suddenly gets a three-day extension. Plus, my roommate will be gone until class was supposed go be over, so I'm out of a ride."

"Well, since we're both running on caffeine and seem to have no plans, would you like to get breakfast?" He offered, and I suddenly felt starved. "Sure."

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"Wait, you live with seven older hyungs? I barely tolerate one male living at my apartment and you have to deal with seven?!" I shake my head in astonishment. "You're roommates a male? Boyfriend? Am I going to get my ass beat? Cause I can have all seven of my roommates here quick." I drop my silverware, laughing at his horrified expressions. "Omg, no, calm down. Hyunsik's like an older brother to me." I say as I try to stop myself from laughing every couple of seconds.

After breakfast, we headed out of the restaurant and started to walk around a park that was nearby. We stopped to sit as a wooden bench under a cherry blossom tree. "You know, this was one of the first timer I've enjoyed hanging out with someone who I didn't live with 24/7." Jongo spoke first, breaking the peaceful silence. "I would like to do this again sometime, and maybe get to know more about you?" He holds out his hand to me, opened up his contacts. I smile to myself and take his phone in my hand, typing in my number and saving it. "Can we take a picture so I can send it to my roommates?" I laugh at his request, but agree, leaning myself against his shoulder while looking at his phone camera with a basic peace sign thrown up and one of my eyes closed. "Send me the picture, and let's meet up again soon, yeah?" I told him, slowly starting to walk away from him as I saw Hyunsik's car pull up to the park. He nodded his head and waved goodbye, "I'll see you in class!"

"Who was that? Does he go to your school? Were you two on a date?! I thought I dropped you off for classes?!!!" Hyunsik wasted no time in starting to interrogate me. I buckled my seatbelt and shook my head, looking down at my hands that we're rested on my lap, my phone in between them. I ignored Hyunsik's voice, staring at the window until I saw Jongho getting picked up too. Then, my phone buzzed on my thigh.

It was 2 images from an unknown number, I clicked on them and they revealed: one, the selfie Jongho and I took, and two: a screen shot of a group chat that Jongho send our picture to. They must have been the roommates he was talking about, based on their reactions.

"Our Jonghos all grown up"

"Who said he could have a girlfriend before me?!"


"When can we meet her?"

"She has puffy eyes and eye bags, I have a good feeling about this one."

"Can I borrow her?"

𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 & 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now