─◌✰್ Ateez Imagine: Christmas Edition

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A/N: Merry Christmas Readers!!!! I got a laptop for Christmas :D so expect more updates
Band!AU [on the longer side]
Yunho X Reader

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This Christmas was different than any of the years before because it would be the first Christmas with your brother's band. It would also be the first time you hang out with all of his friends at once, it was usually just two or three of them at a time.

"Y/n, can you go down the shopping list to make sure we have everything for tomorrow? It's the first time we're hosting Christmas." Your brother, Seonghwa urged, running around the kitchen to make sure you had enough food and gifts around your shared house. You were sitting on the marble countertop, chewing on whatever extra food there was from his massive Christmas meal. But, at his request, you hopped off the counter and pulled out his comically long list, and read through everything. "Yeah, it looks like you got everything. Did you send mom a gift?" His face paled and he dropped the gift bag he was holding, "Oh my God." He muttered, his eyes widening at his realization. "You did not forget to give the woman WHO'S RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR BIRTH a present." Your mouth dropped open and immediately started using this to your advantage. "No wonder I'm her favorite."

After a minute or two of Seonghwa not moving, and seeming to not breathe, you felt bad and offered to help him out. "Hey, why don't I stop by the mall and pick her up something and mail it on the way? I still need to get Yunho a gift." A loud inhale was heard from your brother, as he appeared to finally get a hold of himself, "Yeah, that would be amazing. Here," He reaches into his back pocket and pulls out his card, "I am being nice, only because you're being nice. Pay for both gifts with my card. And don't you dare buy that tall bastard a gift on my card!" You happily take the card from his hands and give him a dramatic salute, "Will do!" You leave him to do his own thing in the kitchen, while you went to get your jacket and shoes on, "I'll be back!" You yelled out, before grabbing your keys and leaving the house.

Of course, you called Yunho to come help you with your gift shopping, because you didn't really need to get Yunho a present. He was the first person you bought for after your mom; you actually needed to get Seonghwa a gift.

Once you and Yunho arrived at the mall, you started to look for a gift for your mom, but it was hard to think of something Seonghwa would give to her. "Maybe something for her kitchen?" Yunho suggested, spotting a kitchen set on a display window. You tilt your head, as if trying to imagine the pan set in your mothers' kitchen; you visualized your mother using it over and over specifically because it was a gift from Seonghwa. "Yeah, I think she would find use for that. Hm, look at us: the best gifting team!" You smiled at him, while dramatically grabbing his hand and pulling him into the store.

After buying the gift and asking if they could wrap it up, you came up with an idea. "Hey, want to have a quick snack? On Seonghwa?" Yunho soon sported the same grin you held, nodding his head and taking the gift-wrapped present from your hands, and holding your hand in his other. "Food court's right upstairs, right next to a store Seonghwa really likes." You both agree to set the present down in your car and come back to get a small meal from the food court before going off and finding a gift for Seonghwa.

Once a gift for your older brother was picked, you and Yunho drove to your moms' house, since it wasn't too far, and mailing her present wouldn't guarantee its arrival before Christmas. Also, Yunho missed hearing he was her favorite "son".

"MOM!" Yunho yelled, running up to her, where she was also in the kitchen like her son, and wrapping her up in a hug. She giggled and ruffled his hair, "Yunho, my darling how are you?" She asked, cupping his face in her hands and squishing his cheeks. "We came to drop off Seonghwa's gift to you, mine should have come in this morning." You say to your mother, holding up the large wrapped gift, before disappearing into the family area to put the gift under the Christmas tree she had on display. You both stayed at your mom's house for another hour--your mom feeding Yunho because she said he was looking skinnier these days-- before bidding farewell and returning to your house.

𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 & 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now