★Yeosang - Front Page ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・

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A/n: idk how landing a magazine cover works so...bare with me, also sorry I've been gone😀 I was out of town, then I logged myself out of my account

requested by @staryunhwa

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"I made a chart!" San announces, strutting into the room with a white piece of paper in his hands. "Based on how the cycle goes, and you know how good we've done our jobs, I predicted who is going to cover the next magazine shoot!" At the mention of the magazine, everyone in the room, which was only 12 people, crowd around San, eager to find out if their name was on his list. Even if San's list might not be accurate, it was still interesting to see if they could be the next cover model. "Ok, so since everyone wants to know who's at the top, obviously, I'll say there are four people at the top, although two of them are out in Spain." San rambles, knowing everyone just wanted to know their chances with the magazine, but didn't give into telling them.

"Come on, you overgrown puppy with dimples. Just say it." Y/n blurted, the only one who was sitting away from San once he had announced his news. She had her phone out and was playing Call of Duty mobile, a pack of chips open on the desk beside her. "You know everyone wants to hear it, so quit with the anticipation, you're torturing them." She finished, taking her eyes off her phone only for a second, before looking back at the game.

San dropped the paper from his hands, sending a hurt look in Y/ns direction, "Kill my fun, why don't you?" A small smile appeared on Y/n's face, as she heard his words. "Well, you're allowed to, because you are one of the two people eligible for this upcoming cover. That's right, Y/n and Yeosang are the two people most likely to land the cover." Dimple boy finally said, making some people groan in frustration or cheer, three people even agreed that they knew it was going to be Y/n and Yeosang. "Yes, I know, shocking. Right? I'm not getting the cover for another, at least, 3 magazines."

Yeosang walked over to where Y/n was sitting and dragged a chair from a nearby desk, and sit it opposite hers. Outside of the job, Yeosang and Y/n were two of the bestest friends you could find, inside the job though was a different story. They were professionals, each of them not letting their personal relationships cloud their mind, which made them both work twice as hard. That was the whole reason everybody expected them to come out on top of San's chart.

"So, I guess we're rivals from now on?" He jokes, reaching over to steal one of the bags of snacks Y/n had laying out. But Y/n immediately stretched her hand out to slap his own, "This is a competition, we are not friends anymore. Which means, buy your own snacks!" She said, sticking her tongue at him in a playful manner, to reassure him it was just a joke. Yeosang laughed and swiped a bag anyways, "Calm down, we can start being rivals again tomorrow. Deal?" Shoveling a handful of chips in her mouth, Y/n nodded, a silent smile on her lips.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

"This event goes to....Yeosang!"

"This event goes to...Minji!"


"First place....Yeosang!"

"Another one to...Y/n!!"

It had been a long five weeks, but today was the last shoot before the agency announced who would be on the cover of the magazine. Also, as it turns out, San's chart was almost 98% accurate. Today's shoot was the determining factor, which meant it tested out tons of looks, feminine and masculine clothing covered all the models, backdrops were changed multiple times, and the makeup had to be done again at least three times per model.

𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 & 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now