★Seonghwa - Manager ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・

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a/n: request are still encouraged, though I am working on 4 right now, but I will get them all done soon yeah :)

TW: verbal & physical abuse/enforced strict dieting(?)

requested by euphoriaa1998

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"Park Seonghwa of Ateez and Soloist Lee Y/n to collaborate in Y/n's upcoming debut album, which will include a music video. This collaboration takes place just 6 months after the couple's public announcement of dating." Jongho read from his phone out loud so that his older members could hear what article was taking their fanbase by storm. Wooyoung's jaw drops open in shock, "And he didn't say anything??!!?!"

Just at that moment, Seonghwa came walking into the room from his room, "Why's everyone just standing around like that?" He laughed, pointing at the members who were crowded around Jongho so they could see his phone. "You and Y/n are collabing? Unfair!" Yunho says first, making Seonghwa tilt his head in confusion. "I thought you guys knew? It was on the schedule in KQ for weeks, in fact, we recorded it around five days ago. I'm going over to her company to shoot the music video, want to come along?" He offered, making all 7 of them chase after him.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

"You can't eat that today, Y/n." My manager told me as he walked over, taking the food my makeup artist had given me and throwing it away. "You're on a diet, remember?" He flicked my forehead, making me flinch back. Leaning back in the chair I was sitting in, I crossed my arms over my chest, letting out a frustrated sigh. "Go to the stylist to get dressed, shooting for the music video starts soon." I bit my tongue to keep from saying anything, then walked off.

Mijoo, one of the stylists, gave me an outfit, "It doesn't show much skin, thought'd it help since some of your back bruises aren't covered." I smiled at her and took the clothing, before locking myself in the dressing room. As soon as I got into the dressing room I lean my head against the wall, my hands resting on the back of my neck. When I was dressed in the outfit, I go back to sitting on the chair that was in front of the mirror I get my makeup done. I pull out my phone and see I had three missed texts from Seonghwa.

Love of my Life💞🤌
Don't be surprised when 8 boys show up instead of 1
The guys invited themselves
*picture of all 8 boys in the car*

I laugh at the face Seonghwa was making in the photo, forgetting about everything for a moment. I texted him back an 'I'll wait for you' and tell Mijoo I was going to the front of the building. I was only sitting outside for three minutes before I heard a loud commotion coming from the street. "Y/N!!!!!" Three different voices yelled. I turned and saw Wooyoung, San, and Mingi running ahead of the others. A faint smile appeared on my lips, I think it was my first genuine smile in three days. All thanks to these guys. Hugging the first one that came into arms reach, who ended up being Jongho, I tell them, "Hey, guys! I feel like I haven't seen any of you in forever." I give them each a hug, one after the other, hugging Seonghwa last so I could cling onto him after. "You guys are just in time to see the first scene shooting. Love, you need to go to the dressing room and change into your outfit and go to the makeup stylist." He nods his head and we all walk into the company.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Today was the final day of shooting the music video, and I think it was going to be a huge success. All of Ateez came to see the music video get done, the last two days, and it wasn't a surprise that the boys were here again. I just hoped my manager would lay off on me since they're here, he has been for the time they are here, but when they left, when Seonghwa would leave, he wouldn't be the nicest of people.

It was an hour before the boys were due to arrive, and my manager and I were arguing, again. "I'm telling you I will not jeopardize a personal relationship for publicity!!" I yell at him, feeling my skin turn red in anger. Suddenly, I found myself pushed up against the wall, his arm pinning me by my neck, barely choking me. "Jokes on you, I'm into this kind of stuff." I try to make light of the situation, for myself, to not have another panic attack. "And I'm telling you that if you don't, you will not have a future in music anymore. So do as I say, or else I'll make sure the public forgets all about you." He threatens, raising his hand after he finished talking, making me flinch, thinking he was going to hit me, once again.

"What the hell is this!?!"

"Get off her!!"

"The fuck you think you're doing?!!!?!"

Before it could register in my mind who it was, my manager was thrown off me. Seonghwa was standing over him, while Yunho and Mingi were holding either sides of Seonghwa, holding him back from hurting my manager. The younger ones were crowding my manager on the ground, making sure he wouldn't even stand, and Hongjoong was talking to Seonghwa, trying to calm him down. Yeosang was by my side, making sure I wasn't badly hurt. "Hyung, Y/n needs you, right now."

The members held my manager there until security had showed up, taking away my manager. Seonghwa held me in his arms as I sobbed into his chest, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you before, I just didn't know how." His hands played with my hair as he tried to calm me down, "It's ok, I don't blame you." He reassured me, kissing my temple. "So, you're into someone choking you out?" He half joked, getting a reaction from his members, who chose that time to make their presence known. "I'm leaving." Half of them said, while the other half left after them.

"You know, your manager had very little to do with the music video making, so we could still finish it today. We only have a couple scenes, if youre up for it? Then after, you can take a break, and we can discuss you getting signed to KQ instead of here." He offers, a wave of different emotions rushing over me. "Signed with your company? That'd be amazing!" I hug him tightly, burying my face in his neck. "You're amazing." I tell him, lifting my head to kiss him softly. "I love you, Park Seonghwa."

"I love you too, Lee Y/n."

𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 & 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now