Seonghwa - Missed Alarms ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・

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A/N: they/them/their pronouns used to make this one gender neutral 😁🫶

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The soft tapping of rain hitting against the windows followed by loud thundering made Seonghwa wake up. The grey clouds made the sky appear darker than it usually was, so the male was surprised when he checked the time and it read 10:48 AM. Suddenly, Seonghwa was wide awake as he jumped out of bed in a state of panic.

He was late...

Hongjoong had made sure to text the group chat late last night to remind them all to come in at 7:30 am for recordings, but the older male must not have set his alarm. So now, Seonghwa was running around the room, tripping over his own feet, thinking he was making his members wait on him. As he walked out of the bathroom, a toothbrush hanging out of his mouth, he saw his lover's sleeping form shuffling on the bed. He froze as if that would stop Y/n from waking up.

Y/n rolled to the side, facing the bathroom, and opened their eyes, tiredly finding Seonghwas gaze. "Oh, I forgot to tell you." They started, bringing the blanket up to their chest as they sat up and leaned against the headboard. "Hongjoong texted earlier, saying recordings were canceled because the roads were too slippery to drive on." They said, running their hand through their hair so it wasn't in their face anymore. Seonghwa stared at the his half-conscious partner, his eyes narrowing as he sends them a glare. He disappears back into the bathroom, where he spits out his toothpaste and puts his toothbrush back up, before returning back to Y/n. "I wish you woke up before I got out of bed." He told them, slipping off the button-up shirt he had put on-- buttons all out of order-- then, he crawled back under the covers and laid next to Y/n, wrapping an arm loosely around their waist.

"The message was on your phone, all you had to do was check his text messages." Y/n chuckled, moving closer to Seonghwa so that they were snuggling into him. Seonghwa scoffed out a laugh, then stretched his arm out to the bedside dresser and grabbed his phone again, this time unlocking it and going to the group chat. There, he did see a text from Hongjoong; recordings canceled, it's raining too hard for anyone to drive anywhere.

He groaned and set his phone back on the dresser. "On the bright side, we actually got to sleep in after 10 am." Y/n says, trying to lighten his mood. Seonghwa nodded his head, bringing his left hand up to run his fingers through Y/n's slightly messy hair. "You hear the rain? I love when it rains." They said, closing their eyes and leaning their head on Seonghwa's shoulder. "I love when I have an excuse to stay with you." Y/n blushes and rolls off Seonghwa's shoulder to look out the window. Y/n stays looking at the rain before they push the covers off their body and head to the restroom. Seonghwa watches as the shirt they stole from him hangs loosely over their slightly smaller frame and the neck exposes a bit of their shoulders. He smiles to himself as he hears the restroom door click shut.

He decides to get up, since he was already awake, and opens the doors to the balcony. The area was still dry since the roof of the balcony kept it covered from the raindrops. He ran downstairs and started to make some hot coffee for the both of them. "HONEY!! DO YOU WANT BREAKFAST NOW OR LATER?" He yelled, not sure if they could hear him from downstairs. It took a few minutes, but Y/n responded, yelling back at him, "LATER, THE COFFEE SMELLS GOOD!" Then, they sat on the chairs on the balcony, waiting for Seonghwa to come back. When he did come back, he held two coffee mugs in his hands, offering one to them. They took it and finally gave Seonghwa his morning kiss, which he was all too excited to receive.

The couple sat on the chairs, drinking the warm coffee as they watched the cold rain fall down, it wasn't storming as hard as it was before, so they were contently enjoying each other's silence while taking in the scenery. "No plans for today?" Y/n asked, setting their mug down and looking over to him. The idol shook his head and set his own mug down to stare back at his lover, "Not a single one. Anything special you want to do today?" He asked, stretching his hand out to hold theirs. Y/n shook their head and smiled at Seonghwa, their first thought being what they should do for breakfast.

𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 & 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now