Seonghwa - Happier ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・

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A/N: felt like i needed a bit of angst because...why not

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"Was any of it real?" Y/n asks seonghwa, tears in her eyes as she stares at his stoic face.

Seonghwas tongue finds its way running over his lips, "I told you, you were just a game." He tells her, watching a tear spill over and fall down her cheek, followed by another.

His heart shattered as he realized he couldnt reach out and wipe them away. All the memories of the 11 at night runs to the corner store for snacks, sleeping at 4 in the morning, and waking up in each others arms, came to his mind. He remembered when he would wake up before her; he would play with her hair, trace her facial features, and stare at her beautiful raw face, then he would whisper, "I've fallen in love with you." He would wait a couple minutes after, wishing she somehow would hear him and say it back, but ultimately close his eyes and pretend he was asleep all along, until Y/n was shaking him awake, a goofy smile on her face as she would tell him, "Lets go get brunch!"

"I dont believe you." Y/n spat, looking away from Seonghwas like of vision so she could wipe her eyes. "You couldnt possibly fake those smiles you always wore around me. Or the 'i love you's you'd say thinking i was asleep. Well guess what? I loved you too." Seonghwa froze at her words, his mouth going dry. "Guess brunch will never be the same, huh?" She said sarcastically, crossing her arms over her chest, the tears having stopped a little while ago. She sighed and turned to meet his eyes, "Goodbye then, Seonghwa." She could see how broken he looked as she muttered those words, yet she couldnt find it in her to care. If he wasnt going to try on their relationship, why should she? She wasnt going to get hopeful over an empty promise.

Giving him one last look, Y/n walked away from him.

When Y/n was finally out of sight, Seonghwa fell to his knees, his hands covering his face as he finally let the tears he'd held back stream down his cheeks. She had loved him, and he loves her, but he let her go, he pushed her away. Now neither of them would get their happy ending together.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

2 years later

"Hey, hyung, did you see Minho hyung got a girlfriend? Apparently they've been dating for a while, JYP must've given him permission to announce it to the public." Wooyoung rambled, scrolling through Twitter and coming across the article. "Ooh, shes pretty. Minhos lucky." He said to no one.

Seonghwa, fixing his shirt in the mirror, just nodded along to whatever his younger member was saying. "Yeah? Good for him." He half-heartedly mumbled a response.

"Yeah! Says shes not a celebrity, but she has been seen at JYP for a choreographer position. Maybe thats how they me- Oh! It is how they met." Wooyoung continued, as he read more of the article that had Minhos side of the story. "Her name is Y/n." Dropping the necklace he was about to clip on himself, he turned to Wooyoung, suddenly so much more interested in the article. "Pretty name for a pretty girl." Wooyoung laughed at his own remark.

"What does she look like?" Seonghwa asked, walking over to where Wooyoung was, not giving him the chance to respond before he snatched the phone out of his hands and read the article himself.

Right on the screen in front of him, he saw his first love holding hands with one of his closest friends, he saw her smile the way she used to with him. He couldnt help but wonder, do they go to brunch after staying up until 4 am eating corner store snacks? Have they told each other those 3 words?

The more he thought to himself, the more his heart broke. Underneath the article giving Minhos statements, was one that contained Y/ns. He immediately clicked on it, ignoring the whines of protest from Wooyoung. Quickly scanning his eyes over it, his attention was caught to a simple sentence that she had said.

" 'I love him, more than ive ever loved anyone before. I feel like i can be myself 110% around him without fear of him holding back from me. Who else would go for a 2am drive with me when im feeling down? He makes me happy.' - Y/n." 

Before he knew it, Woo was by his side, a hand on his shoulder, "Seonghwa hyung, are you okay?" He questioned, seeing the older freeze up, with a broken look in his gaze, the tears welding up in his eyes. Too far gone to lie to him, Seonghwa shook his head, "No, no, no." He kept mumbling, turning into Wooyoungs embrace and breaking down.

𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 & 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now