San - One Day ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・

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"Y/n!!" Sans loud voice could be heard halfway down the hallway.

"Oh no." I mumbled to myself, making Yeonjun and Hyunjin laugh. "I think your boyfriends calling you." Yeonjun teased, leaning down to whisper in my ear. "Oh no shit, huh?" Hyunjin replied sarcastically on my behalf.

Soon enough, San was standing next to my locker, waving hi to the two boys that I've been friends with since kinder. "Hi, Y/n I was wondering if you wanted to go to the cafe down the street with me after school?" He asked, a cute smile on his face.

"Sorry, we have dance practice after school." Yeonjun butted in, showing a small smile to San. "But, we finish at 6:30." He added in, winking my way. I closed my locker, after having taken out my notebook and earbuds, and shot a glare towards Yeonjun.

"6:30, okay! Bye Y/n, bye hyunjin and yeonjun." He ran back to wherever he came from, after hearing the first bell ring.

"Y/n, why dont you just go out with San? He likes you and him chasing you around was cute at first, but now its kind of sad." Yeonjun laughed at Hyunjins remark. "Guys, you know why i dont date him." I said, rolling my eyes, and walking away from them to get to my class.

"Right, right. Graduate, dance, trainee, hopefully debut. We heard it all and we're going to debut with you too. We're all chasing the same dream." I hear Yeonjun telling Hyunjin as i grow further away from them.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

"Y/n-ah!! What took you so long?!" Minho yelled at me as I entered the dance studio. "It was probably San." Yunho teased, elbowing the shorter lightly.

I flipped them off, "Oh fuck off!" I yelled at them as i got my sweats and cropped hoodie out of my bag, "It was Mr. Chwe." I explained, before running to the locker room to change.

When i came back, i barely had time to put my hair into a ponytail, before Mr. Jung had clapped his hands and insisted we start already.

"Y/n, dont dance too hard, Sans wont like you all sweaty and stinky." Mr. Jung joked. He was one of thsoe teachers all the students felt comfortable around, probably because he was only 9-12 years older than us. I took off my shoe and threw it in his direction, than threw my other one at Niki and Yuna who were laughing in the back. "Okay, we're going over the choreo we made last week." He walks over to the sound system and starts the music.

"I swear if you guys dont get it right!" Hyunjin started, yelling. "You owe us dinner!" Niki finished. "And chocolates for all week!" Yeji added, lining up next to the two boys.

"Dinner, chocolates, all week. Got it!" Mingi nodded.

"Stop talking and start dancing!!" Minho shouted, making them all flinch a little, then Mr. Jung restarted the music and we started dancing along.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

"Y/n!" Sans voice called out as soon as i left the dance studio. I turned to my right, with my bag hanging on my shoulders, and saw San with Yunho. I gave them a closed lipped smile and walked over to them. "Here, i got you this." He smiled widely at me, handing me a milk carton. It was just plain white milk, but it had a yellow sticky note with the words, dont dance too hard, but dance amazingly! Written on it. I looked from the sticky note to San, but he was turned back to Yunho, his ears red like he knew i was starring at him.

"Thank you. I'll be going home now." I said, opening the milk and putting the sticky note in my bag. "Wait, let me walk you home." San offered, i thought about it before nodding my head, "Okay." Yunho raised an eyebrow at me, while sporting a smug look.

"Come on!" San said excitedly, looping his arm through mine and walking off. "So Y/n, want to go out this saturday?"

I sighed and fiddled with the milk carton i was almost halfway done with. "San, youre a cute guy and seem really sweet, but I've told you before why i keep turning you down."

"Yeah, i know. But, you might say yes one day, and thats what im looking forward to!" I smiled at his persistence, he was never annoying and wouldnt get all butt hurt when i rejected him, he seemed to come back stronger, but his company was nice, so i didnt mind.

"Youre right, one day i might say yes." I said lowly, unlinking our arms and giving him a hug. "Bye San! See you at school." I tell him, turning to face my house.

"Bye Y/n!" He waves towards me, not leaving until i was inside my house. "One Day." he whispered to himself.

𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 & 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now