Hongjoong - First Date ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・

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A/n: pretend his hair is blue, sorry for disappearing for like months😭
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"It's just a coffee date, I'm sure whatever you're going to wear is fine. Plus, he doesn't seem the type to judge you based on your outfit, so don't stress too much. And if he does judge, I'll kill him." Your best friend, Jun, said, trying to calm you down as he watches you pace back and forth in your apartment.

"Yeah, I guess your right. He did seem very sweet the first time we met." After a quick breath, you grabbed Jun's hand and pulled him with you to your closet. "Help me choose me an outfit."

You two finally decided on a pair of dark grey jeans with a white sweater that had a random logo in the corner. Jun had argued with you the most about what shoes you would be wearing. Being the sneaker head he is, he convinced you to wear black and white Nikes. "All this stressing to wear an outfit you would wear to go bowling with me and Anika." You slapped Juns shoulder and shook your head, "Hey! It's not my fault he makes me nervous, he's cute!" He rolls his eyes and shakes his head, "You can repay me by taking me breakfast tomorrow, I'm planning on getting drunk tonight." You laughed at his confessions and reach in your pocket to give him your spare key, "If Anika locks you out, you're welcomed at mine."

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When you entered the coffee shop, Blue Bird Cafe, you caught sight of Hongjoongs blue hair. You felt your palms grow sweaty and your face warm up as you forced your legs to bring you closer to the table where he sat at.

"H-Hey." You mentally cringed at yourself for stuttering, before taking a seat across from him at the wooden table. He only smiled at you, "Hi, I went ahead and ordered for you. It was a (insert your coffee order), right?" You felt another wave of heat invade your cheeks, and this time from flattery. You had met Hongjoong during finals week when a mutual friend got your coffee orders mixed up over a library study session, which prompted Hongjoong to ask you out.

"Yeah, I can't believe you remembered, sometimes I don't even remember." You laughed, playing with your nails as you sat against the back of the chair, a little more relaxed then when you came in. You took this time to look over Hongjoong, he was wearing a white and black striped sweater with black pants. You laughed in your head as you came to the realization you two were practically wearing the same outfit. "So, you're an English major, what's been your favorite piece of literature you've read?" You questioned, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. Before Hongjoong could answer, a cafe busser (basically server/cleaner) placed both cups of coffee on the table. Yours was hot and his was iced.

Mixing the cold liquid with his straw, Hongjoong thinks before he answers, "It's not any piece we've read or been recommended to read, but it's called Sauve-moi by Guillaume Musso." He goes on explaining the main idea of the book and adds in the little thoughts that he had when he was reading particular sections or when he came across a section that peaked his interest. You find yourself liking the way his voice sounded, desperate to hear more. "What about you, any books you like?" He asks, apologizing after he realized he was rambling. You waved him off, assuring him you liked hearing about his interest, "When I was younger I was an avid reader and dreamed of being a writer, I was super into Percy Jackson and Greek mythology, but I haven't been too into reading much. An author that's really caught my attention is John Green, I love any book of his." You told him, bringing your elbow to rest on the table and leaning your head in your palm, while you sipped on your warm drink.

"You know, I don't know if it's just me, but I have a feeling you're going to be one of the best people I've met in a long time." Hongjoong tells you honestly, his eyes connecting with yours to look at you sincerely.

That's the moment you knew you were head over heels already for this man.

"Would you want to go for a walk around town? I have a feeling I'm going to have to babysit a drunk friend later, so I would like to have a bit of fun before that." You stood up once both your cups were empty, extending a hand out to the man that was once anxiously scribbling and citing different sources on a piece of paper while running on different caffeinated beverages in a school library.

"I would love to."

𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 & 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now