Yunho - Mix Up ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・

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A/n: I saw this prompt on Pinterest...sorry I've
also, b/f/n = best friends name & y/f/d = your fav drink

Warning: LOOONG...i should make this into a book ._.

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It was a cold journey down; I was forever falling into a pitch-blackness dark that seemed to have no end. At first, I yelled my lungs out, then I continued to fall and decided to save my voice as I saw no end to my descent. While free-falling, I had time to ponder my thoughts. I didn't remember much, besides the searing pain I felt in my chest and my car swerved into another. There was ice on the roads and I knew I shouldn't have driven anywhere, but my little sister needed me and I would do anything for my sister.

"Holy shit, am I dead?" I muttered to myself, seconds before hitting rock bottom. While I recovered from the air that had been knocked out of my lungs, I got onto my feet, wincing to myself, and looked around.

There was an illuminated dark grey rock path leading to large steel gates that had writing on the top but they were too far away for me to read the words. No other light was present so I followed the rocky road till I was standing outside the gates. As I was walking I noticed the rocks under my feet would light up but as soon as I would leave that spot they'd go back to pitch darkness. Eternal Damnation was written above the gates, making a gasp escape my lips. "Am I in hell? No way, maybe I'll see b/f/n." I pushed open the gates and covered my ears as they let out a loud screeching sound. Immediately, I was greeted with an overwhelming uncomfortable wave of energy, screams and sobs could be heard but I could barely see three feet in front of me. It wasn't hot though, almost a perfectly cool temperature. Taking a deep breath, preparing myself to enter what I assumed was hell, I stepped through the gates.

Only to be met with a resisting force, "Damn, I can't even get into hell."

I stepped back, puzzled at what I was supposed to do now, and sat on the rock path. "No phone, huh? Hell sucks." I rubbed my eyes, feeling a searing pain in my temples and eyes. I sat alarmingly straight as I felt a cold sensation press against my back. I turned around and jumped back when I was met with the sight of a man a couple inches taller than me, wearing black jeans and a black cape that strangely shone in the dark. He had a scroll in his hands and a long cane, that looked expensive, in his other. He had black hair and amazing beauty. "Yes, demons can be beautiful. Name?" He ordered, a certain tone in his voice telling me he was quite suck of dealing with people. "Y-Y/n Y/l/n." I hesitated, taking a step back toward the gate. There was an almost painful silence as we just stared at each other for a while, his eyes continued to change from pitch black to golden yellow. Then, he flipped through his scrolls, presumably looking for my name. "Huh, can't find your name." He began, folding the scrolls up neatly before flicking his hand up and down then they were gone. He leaned on his cane and narrowed his eyes at me, "He'll know what to do." He grumbled, walking closer towards me and extending his hand out to touch my temple. His hand was as cold as ice as he muttered, "I give you authority to come into hell." 

"Lucky, little sinner. You get to meet the big guy, though he's not very tall." Is all he said before he walked in front of me, gesturing for me to follow him.

"So, what's your name?" I asked, after five minutes of awkward silence and endless walking, my mind racing at what was going to happen next. "If I tell you, will you please calm your mind? I can feel all your anxious thoughts, little sinner." He groaned, crossing his arms behind his back and giving me a quick glance. Feeling self-conscious and exposed, I slowly nodded my head. "My name's Yeosang. I'm one of the more respected demons of hell, along with my 7 brothers." I decided not to speak anymore for the rest of our walk as we approached a dark building that looked like a dark medieval castle.

𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 & 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now