Mingi - Reunited ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・

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After meeting my online boyfriend, 4 years ago, we finally had met in person on our 2nd anniversary. Since then we've been visiting each other in our own countries, but due to covid we couldnt meet each other. Its been a year and a half, since we've seen each other, face to face.

Today, I was allowed a flight, and saved up all my money, while selling some of my things, because i was moving to South Korea, permanently. It was a surprise for Mingi, since the other members have told me about how he would sometimes cry at night, be sad for a couple days, under perform, or not take care of himself enough. So, i made a plan with Jongho, Hongjoong, and Yunho, to visit him. Even the boys that knew i was coming, still think im only visiting, the me moving to South Korea is a surprise for all of the boys.

-ˋˏ ˎˊ-

Mingi was calling me....I am waiting to board my flight and Mingi is facetiming me...damn.

I decline the call and shoot him a text, Hey, babe, i know we call at this time but its been a really rough day, can we skip tonights call? I'll wake up early to call you?

Seconds later he replied, Oh, okay. If youre not feeling well, then yeah. I love you and miss you!!!

Giggling, I repeated the love you. Love you too Minki!

-ˋˏ ˎˊ-

"Yah, whats wrong?" Yunho asked the younger who sat faced down on his bed, phone on the pillows above him.

"Y/n couldnt call, she said she had a bad day." Mingi blurted, rolling over to reveal a sadden look.

Yunho felt bad hiding the secret, but knew his dongsaeng would feel a lot better later, so he kept quiet about it. "Oh, well if she goes to sleep early, she might wake up early, and you two can talk during the afternoon. Right?" He shrugs his shoulders, walking over and scooching Mingi over so he could lay next to him.

Mingi nods his head and lays it over Yunhos shoulder, "Yeah, i guess."

-ˋˏ ˎˊ-

"Come on! Lets go pick up Y/n noona!!" Jongho shouted, bursting into Yunhos room, and Yunho was thankful that Mingi didnt wake up.

The older slithered out from under Mingi, putting a pillow under his head, then walked out with Jongho, to meet Hongjoong.

Hongjoong called Y/n, to confirm where she was. The four met up with Y/n, exchanging greetings and mapping out a plan. Hongjoong was the member Y/n was closest too, except Mingi, and she told him about her moving there first.

She had packed for a month, knowing she could buy more things at shops around the area.

"Maknae!!!" She yelled, embracing the younger boy. Jongho chuckled and hugged her back. Then, she saw the older of the group. "Yunho!!!" She hugged his waist, then leaned her head on his shoulder. "You and Mingi are being shipped more than i would like. Stay away from my boyfriend, you giant." She whined, earning a nod from the chuckling Yunho.

They all headed back to Ateez' dorms, except Y/n and Hongjoong, while occasionally staying, Y/n would look at apetments or homes that went for cheap, then while back home, she contacted the owners and set up a pricing. Hongjoong and Y/n headed over to her new house, to settle in her luggage and the furniture. Since it was still afternoon in South Korea, Hongjoong had ordered in her furniture that he had bought her.

"Okay, thanks Joongie!!" She clapped her hands, setting the dresser in the favored spot beside her big mirror. They spent a while doing all the furniture, and just finished.

Then Hongjoong got a text.

"Mingi is awake!" He shouted, making Y/n flinch back. Then, he dragged her by the wrist, out the house, and to their dorm, which was literally around the block.

-ˋˏ ˎˊ-

"Hyung!! Can you come here for a second!?" Wooyoung shouted, from outside, directed towards his Mingi Hyung.

Mingi yells back a no, then is scolded by Hongjoong, and finally goes down. "What do you guys want!? And why are you standing like that?" He asked, pointing to Yunho and Seonghwa who were leaning towards each other to hide me.

"We have a surprise for you." Yeosang says, a smile on his face.

"You dont have Y/n so i dont want it." He muttered, making me laugh.

"But we do?" Seonghwa says, sounding like a question, before pulling me out from hiding behind the tall members.

Mingis face morphs into shock as he runs towards me. His eyes fill with tears as he stared down at me, while he places his hands under my chin as if hes dreaming. "Youre here, like really here." He croaked, his voice breaking due to being emotional.

I hugged hin tightly, nuzzling my head in his neck, while tears slipped my eyes too, "Im here and im never leaving." I confirmed, not wanting to let go.

Mingi lifts his head, "What do you mean?" Followed by the other boys asking the same thing.

"I mean, Joong and I found a house and Im living in korea now!!" I shouted excitedly, holding up the house key. Everyone's mouth drops in shock, while Joong comments on how stupid they looked. I turn back to Mingi, cupping his face, "Im never leaving again."

He smiles softly, before whispering, "I missed you, so much." Leaning up, i kiss him gently, "I missed you too."

"Eww! They are being gross again." San whined to Seonghwa.

𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 & 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now