San - Exposed ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・

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San thought he was the only one in the dorms, so he invited you over, since he hasnt seen you in a really long time. It had only been two weeks, but it was too long without you to him. Of course you agreed, because you also miss seeing your childish boyfriend.

Before arriving at their dorm, you stopped by the corner store and bought some sweets for San.

"San, Im here!" You yelled out, as you shut the door behind you. Then, you went to his room, seeing him playing a game, sitting in front of the television. You walked up behind him, and slid his headset down to rest around his neck. "Hey, love." You greeted, kissing his cheek.

He excitedly jumps up, knocking off his headset, and tackles you in a hug, smothering you with kisses. "Y/N!!!! I MISSED YOU!!" He shouted.

You laughed and hugged him, "i missed you too, san."

He stood up, pulling you with him, then went to his bed. With you laying on his chest, he covered you two with the duvet and pulled out his phone to watch all the iron man movies. You also snacked on the sweets you bought.

In the middle of Iron Man 2, the door to Sans room burst open, it was Yunho. On a VLIVE.

"Oh fu-"

"Hyung!" San shouts, covering your face in his chest, before the camera can catch you. "GET OUT!!" He panicked, throwing a pillow at Yunhos camera.

Yunho apologized quickly, then ran out the room.

After he left, San logged into VLIVE and watched Yunhos live, seeing the chat filled with comments about him and you. You sighed and covered your face with your hands, "I cant believe we got exposed like that. Not even dispatch exposed us, it was Yunho." You laughed at the end, sarcastically.

San uncovered your face and took your hand in his, "Im sorry." He said, before you took his phone and logged into twitter, also seeing that platform blow up with trends about the two of you.

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After Yunho was finished with his VLIVE, he knocked on the door, before walking in. His head hanging towards the floor, "Hey, guys..." He awkwardly greeted, nervously laughing.

I sat up from the bed, and greeted him back with a small smile, "Yunho, its fine. It was an accident, so honestly its ok-"

"No, no its not!" San complained, standing up and walking over to Yunho, "Now people know about Y/n, that was supposed to be a secret, hyung!" About 5 seconds later, San hugged Yunhos tall frame. "Its okay, i know it was an accident. I shouldve told you Y/n was over, but i thought i was home alone."

We decided to post a picture on their twitter account, with all three of us, to clarify things. We posted four photos, one of us smiling together, two of San and I bullying Yunho, and one of Yunho looking wide eyed. Then we captioned them:

hey atiny, this is Y/n, my girlfriend of 2 years. -San

Atiny, i messed up and accidentally revealed a private relationship. But #Y/s/n forgave me. Please love them. -Yunho

hello atiny, im sorry we had to meet this way, i hope you dont hate San or ateez because of me. -Y/n.

The responses we got back were insanely supportive. "Yah! Their saying theyre going to steal you away from me, Y/n." San cried, throwing himself on Yunho and I, who were sat on his bed, reading some comments from Atiny.

Yunho gently pushed him off of him, "Well, they just might." He joked, before walking out of the room.

We all relaxed in the dorms peacefully, until the rest of the members came back, "YUNHO WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO, YOU OVERGROWN PUPPY!?" Hongjoongs loud voice could be headd throughout the whole place.

𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 & 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now