Mingi - "Go to sleep" ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・

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A/n: totally not based on me being behind on school work....
[not proof read]
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The bright light illuminated the dim room where Y/n sat on their laptop, typing away. They had been on their laptop, trying to meet all the deadlines college had given them, for about four and a half hours. It was 12 at night and Mingi was now worried for Y/n's health. Mingi knew they had been stressing over her college work, but he thought they were a bit smarter at handling their habits. Apparently not though, seeing as Mingi had left hours ago after being called into a last-minute dance practice and they were still in the same place, only more energy drink cans and unhealthy snack wrappers thrown around them.

"Y/n, come on you've been working all day. Why don't you come to bed? Or take a break at least?" Mingi suggested, his voice soft in case they were feeling sensitive. Looks like Mingi really knows his partner, because they indeed turned around and glared at him. "It's only 12, I have class at 11:30 tomorrow. I can function on 6 hours of sleep." They mumbled, reaching their hand out to open up another can of their favorite energy drink. "Yes, but you shouldn't." Mingi told them, moving the cans out of their reach and placing his own on top of theirs. "Have you even eaten since breakfast?" He asked, running his thumb over the top of their hand. Y/n looked down, finally peeling their eyes off the blue light of their screen, feeling guilty for making Mingi worry, "No." They answered, not even trying to protest when Mingi closed their laptop and turned their chair around so they were face to face. "Come on, let's go watch a disaster in the kitchen." He sent them a soft smile and gently pulled them up to their feet so he could lead them to the kitchen.

Before doing anything, Mingi walked over to the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of water, and gave it to Y/n. "Drink it all." He told them, then looked around the kitchen to find something easy to make for the both of them, knowing Y/n wouldn't eat by themselves. He decided on heating up some left over tteokbokki and instant noodles.

Despite all the energy drinks they had consumed, Y/n could feel themselves fighting to stay awake. Mingi found it adorable that every time he would turn around to converse with them, they would shoot up and try to convince him they weren't just asleep. Mingi left alone and didn't mess with them again until he was serving food, then he slammed the dish in front of them, laughing mischievously when they jumped up. "Eat this then we can go to sleep." Y/n narrowed their eyes at him when they took the utensils from his outstretched hand, hesitantly shoveling food into their mouth. "We'll leave the dishes till the morning, come on. Cuddle with me." Mingi insisted, not waiting before throwing Y/n over his shoulders and walking to their bedroom. He waited for them to change their clothes, then tucked them into bed, before kissing their forehead. "Go to sleep."

Y/n automatically wrapped their arms around Mingi and laid their head on his chest, feeling the tiredness hit them like a truck. "You're kind of the best person I know, Song Mingi." Y/n muttered before closing their eyes. "Of course I am." Mingi boasted, then looked down and saw a sleeping Y/n. "I'm so cleaning all that mess by myself." He muttered, rolling his eyes and looking at the ceiling.

𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 & 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now