─◌✰್ - Wooyoung as a Boyfriend🃏

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🃏sexy to cute real quick, like you guys know this boys duality

🃏 would actually be so shy around you at first, or if you were at one of their shows and he did something sexy he would get real shy after you confront him

🃏 clingy boy

🃏 loud

🃏 doesnt even try to be loud, thats just how he is, but when he is trying to be loud he is ✨L O U D✨

🃏 always excited to see you, especially if its been a long time since hes seen you, like after a tour or promotion

🃏 gets jealous easily

🃏 pouty/petty jealous

🃏 wants all your attention solely on him

🃏 loves that you get along with his members, just doesnt love it that much when youre too close to another member

🃏 your best friend is San, of course

🃏 would randomly start singing around you, because you once told him how much you loved his voice

🃏 always taking you on dates, and not just dinner dates or movies, he would take you to a park, hand you water guns, then split up from you so you two could battle it out

🃏 can also be very romantic

🃏 loves to cuddle into your side, loves it even more when you cuddle into his side

🃏 the boys would tease him about how much he loves you or how excited he gets when even your name is mentioned

🃏 sometimes when you two are alone, hes loud and hyper, or quiet

🃏 when hes quiet, 9/10 times its because he's admiring your side profile, not even realizing how in love he is with you

🃏 very vocal and good with communicating in your relationship

🃏 if somethings bothering him, or making him feel upset, he will talk to you about it, knowing you do the same

🃏 when youre upset he would be as understanding as possible, wanting to know everything and anything that was bothering you

🃏 i dont think you realize how much this boy will literally fight someone for you, even if they make you the slightest bit upset

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