San - Closet ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・

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A/N: it's 6am I should be asleep, but I've written like 5 chapter thingys

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"I'm going to get another drink!" You shouted to your brother, Seonghwa as you left the area where many people were huddled together playing 7 minutes in heaven, or truth or dare, or just straight up smoking weed and getting drunk. Seonghwa quickly got up and followed you, you didn't protest as you kind of liked how safe you felt when he would accompany you.

He made you a drink that had alcohol but tasted like pineapple and coconut. He also got himself a water bottle.

Seonghwa was the designated driver tonight.

After fifteen minutes of just sitting together on the floor, and the stares you and San were exchanging, Hongjoong got fed up and pulled Seonghwa over and started planning. "So I know she's your sister and all, but you gotta cut San some slack. Look at the way he's pining after her, every other second he asks about her. Please, can we do something about it?" Hongjoong asked the older male, clapping his hands together. "Oh my god, him too? Y/n's always asking about San!" The two decided they would just lock the two of you in a room until you two confessed.

What a smart plan between the two smart men. What a simple, smart, dumb plan.

Hongjoong went back and grabbed your arm, pulling you up and trying to find an empty room to throw you in. When he couldn't, he just threw you in a semi big closet, that was surprisingly empty for a frat house. You didn't get to question your brothers best friend as he was gone and the sound of a lock clicking was heard the moment you were in the closet. On the other end of the door, Seonghwa grabbed San and pulled him to the closet he saw Hongjoong throw you in. "Now, no funny business. That's still my sister in there." He warned San, before unlocking the door and throwing San in there with you, then locking the door against. "You two have some things you need to tell each other, and take all night if you have to. I'm pretty sober, so I can go as long as it takes. AND NO FUNNY BUSINESS!!" Seonghwa yells to be heard over the loud music.

You find a light switch and come face to face with San, cringing at how close you two were, you took a step back. "So, nice party, huh?" You said, intentionally trying to sound as awkward as possible. San laughed but nodded his head, "Yeah, I was enjoying the free booze and food before your brother snatched me up like a vulture." San said, leanings against the back of the closet. "There was food?" You asked, offended by the fact that no one told you there was food when you were starving all night. "Yeah, you didn't get none?" He laughed at the look on your face when you realized he was mocking you. "Don't worry, I'd be glad to walk to McDonalds or something with you after your brother gets us out of this closet." He reassures you, feeling a little bad that he was mocking you.

"Oh yeah, I think I might know why he did that." You say quietly, crossing your arms over your chest as you moved around in the spacious closet. "I may or may not have heard from Hongjoong that you are infatuated by me?" You teased, tilting your head to the side to look at him with a sideways smile. His eyes widen as he starts to stammer, his lips coming to a pout when he tries to get out an actual sentence. "N-No, I mean- It's just-" You walk closer to him and kissed his cheek, "Don't worry, San. I've always thought you were a sweetheart, I kind of like you too." He smiles in relief and slaps a hand over his heart, "Had me thinking I was going to faint. In a closet!" He says, knocking on the door to the closet. "Hyung, is this what you wanted?!" He calls out to, presumably, Seonghwa be Hongjoong. "Hwa! Open the door! I want McDonalds!" You join San in trying to get them to open the door.

"Are you two dating yet?" They call back, making the both of you blush crimson red. "Yes." You both said, seeming more like a question.

The click of the lock is heard and the door is opened by Seonghwa, "You're too close, get away."

About ten minutes later, you all search for Jongho, who was the only other one who wanted to go to the party, before heading to McDonalds.

The poor employees who had to deal with a drunken Jongho and frustrated Hongjoong definitely deserved a raise. You and San sat at a booth a little off to the side of the other three guys, who were busy playing with the Happy Meal toys that were out for display. "Does this count as a first date?" San asked, chewing on a handful of fries. You shrugged as you sipped on your chocolate shake and took a chicken nugget in your hand, "We're sitting together, paid for our own meals, and you are holding my hand, so I would count it." That beautiful smile of his that melted your heart appeared on his face as he looked down at your twined hands, not really knowing when that happened.

"Don't worry, our second date we won't be half sober." He joked, stealing one of your nuggets.

𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 & 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now