Seonghwa - Food Runs ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・

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A/N: I'm so tired...totally not based on my brother taking me for food after work

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"Can we go to McDonald's?" You asked your boyfriend, turning in bed so you're chin was on his shoulder as you both watched a random Disney movie. Seonghwa let a laugh escape his lips before he shook his head, "It's like 2 in the morning." You grabbed your phone off your nightstand and checked the time, it was indeed 1:52 in the morning. "And? I'll pay, I just need you to drive me and keep me company, duh." You half-joked, kissing his cheek to sweeten the deal.

He rolled off the bed and walked to the closet, where he took out a black hoodie and threw in over his t-shirt. "Okay, you're lucky I'm not on a diet and I'm hungry." He said, pointing his finger at you with your car keys in his hands.

You jumped out of bed and cheered in excitement, "This is why I love you." You quickly fixed your nappy hair and threw on your favorite Deftones jacket, then ran into Seonghwas arms, hugging him tight and kissing all over his face. "You love me for food runs?" He asked, his eyebrow quirking up as he puts his hands around your waist, leaning down to kiss nose. "Yes, very much so." He rolled his eyes and took your hand before leading you both out of your house and into your car.

Out of habit, you snapped a picture of you two in the car, a big smile on your face. You went to your Instagram and uploaded it to your story with the caption he's taking me to McDonald's!!! After making sure you cropped out Seonghwas face. "What do you want? Chicken nuggets?" You nodded your head and waited patiently while he ordered two 20-pieces and two large fries with your favorite soda. You had Set Me Free by Twice playing on the radio as you waited in the drive-thru.

Seonghwa had his hand intertwined with yours across the console, his fingers steadily tapping the rhythm of the song on the back of your hand. Seonghwa paid for the food before you could even offer your card, then thanked the employee after getting the food. You immediately snatched the bag from him, once he had placed the drinks in the cup holders. You took another picture, with a chaotic expression, making the picture blurry on purpose with the caption bag is secure <3.

Seonghwa drove past your house and to the small park near your house and parked the car. You had once told him that you liked coming to the park at night because you could see the stars clearly and since then Seonghwas taken you on several after-hours dates there.

You two cuddled up under a tree on the soft grass, and started to munch on the food, talking about your day, week, any and everything either of you two could've missed.

"Seonghwa," He hummed, reaching his hand out and taking one of your fries, "You're the best boyfriend ever." You leaned your head back against his shoulder and pecked his exposed neck. "And you're the best 2 am company ever." He said back, pecking the side of your head.

𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 & 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now