Yunho - Secret Relationship⋆.ೃ࿔*:・

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"Hyung! Y/ns promoting with her group too!!" Wooyoung shouted, spying Y/ns group leader doing an interview with an MC.

Yunho looked over in confusion, but a small smile spread across his lips, which he quickly hid by looking down, "Oh, thats good, maybe we'll run into them later." He nodded his head, making a face at the camera that was pointed at them.

"Can we go talk to them? Please hyung?" San whined, making Wooyoung pout along with him.

Yunho laughed, "You cant go see them by yourselves?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow at their behavior.

"But Y/ns your friend, so I thought you would want to see her, also you can introduce us and we can totally embarrass the two of you." Wooyoung and San agreed, smiling innocently at the taller male.

Yunho just shook his head, but agreed to go greet the girl group. "Lets go."

"Noona!!" Y/n heard first, then felt a heavy arm pull her down from her neck, a taller person teasing her in a hold. Looking up, she saw Yunho, one of her oldest friends, then she looked around and saw Wooyoung and San.

She pushed Yunho away, making him laugh. "You know, sometimes i question how i stayed friends with you for so long without wanting to kill you ever 5 seconds." She joked, walking away from him to the younger members, leaving him looking at her with an offended face.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Y/n was now watching as Ateez performed, many people knowing Y/n and Yunho were friends, the cameras were constantly looking towards Y/na group for a reaction cam, which caught the girls dancing and singing along, also trying to rap along to Hongjoongs parts.

When they finished, Y/n, Jisoo, and Chaerin were standing up, yelling cheers towards the boys, making the other 2 members look away or subtly scoot away from them.

Ateez was the last group to perform so the girls quickly went behind the stage to get ready to head back to their dorms.

"Hongjoong-ah!" Chaerin, the oldest in Y/ns group, called out. Soon, Ateez and (Group Name) were walking side by side backstage.

Y/n was talking to Yeosang and Mingi; Seonghwa, Jongho, Jisoo amd Chaeyoung were talking amongst each other, while, San and Wooyoung were with Eunji. Yunho was already halfway to Ateez' dressing room, so he didnt bother conversing with the girl group, seeing as he talked to them before performing.

Once they were all done and ready to go home, Y/n stopped by Ateez' room, knocking on the door, even though it was opened, and saw Yunho sitting on a white couch, while Hongjoong was gathering San, Wooyoung, Jongho, and Mingi, with Seonghwas help.

"Hi Y/n! You can come in." Seonghwa greeted, smiling softly. Y/n smiled back and entered the room, sitting by Yunho on the couch, with her head on his shoulder.

"Im tired." She muttered, not seeing Yunho take out his phone and open his camera. "Im thinking about going out to eat sometime this week, maybe you, Yeji, Minho, Felix, and a couple others can go. And if you cant, I'll fight your managers." She rambled.

"See everyone, Y/n of (Group Name) isnt as good as she seems, she fights people a lot more often than you think." Yunho told the camera, moving it closer so it showed both of them in the view.

Y/n was a little taken aback by the camera, but quickly recovered, "Sir, i never gave you permission to record me!" Then, she lunged at the phone, taking it away from Yunho and ending the video. "Smile." She took tons of photos of her and Yunho on his phone, then sent them to herself. "I should probably go with my members now."

Yunho nodded his head in agreement, his hair bouncing along. "See you later!" He gave her a quick hug, then she left the room.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Later that night, Y/ns phone was buzzing nonstop.

"Y/n!! Shut your phone up!" Chaerin yelled out, tired of hearing it going off every five seconds. The group was trying to watch a movie, but Y/ns phone was charging in the kitchen, where they could hear it.

Y/n bit her lips inside, then got off the couch, and walked over to her phone.

Yunho 🐶🤎
If you love me, answer me
You didnt answer
Im telling seonghwa hyung!
Wait no im kidding
Y/n answer me🥺 not wanted :(

Your first and last texts are like 2 minutes apart

Oh so now you remember I exist -.-

Yunho, what do you want?
You made my members kick me out of movie night

I just wanted to say goodnight
And i love you❤️

Aww, youre cute
I love you too❤️

"Y/n-ah, quit talking to your boyfriend and come watch the movie with us!" Eunji, the member Y/n was closest to, whispered, when she walked into the kitchen and say Y/n smiling so widely at her phone.

"Say it a little louder, why dont you?" Y/n joked, silencing her phone, after saying goodbye to Yunho. Eunji just laughed and took some snacks out of the cabinet, then dragged Y/n back to the couch.

𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 & 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now