Yeosang - Brothers Friend ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・

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A/n: my school was on spring break (3/13-3/18) so I told myself I would update a lot...and I didn't, I'm so sorry😭😭 ALSO!!! Thank you so so much for 30k, that's insane🙏🙏(3/18)

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"Get out of my house, Yeosang!" I yelled to the boy stealing the food out of my fridge. He replied by throwing pieces of fruit into his mouth, "Im your brother's guest, not yours." He said, sticking his tongue out. "Also, he pays half your rent, which makes ths house half his, so HA!"

I rolled my eyes at him, before leaving the barstools at the kitchen island, to run up the stairs. "Jinwoo! Get your friend!" I shouted as I banged my hand against his closed door. The door swings open just as I'm about to hit it again, "I thought he was your friend too? As I thought you actually could stand him, unlike any of my other friends." He said in confusion. I crossed my arms, the sleeves of the stolen hoodie I was wearing going down. "That was before he started stealing food from us, more specifically my side of the fridge!" I said, leaning against his door frame.

Jinwoo just laughed, "Ask him if he's staying over, then send him up here." Is all he says, before turning on his heels and slamming the door on my face. "Tough love without the love." I whisper to myself, retreating back downstairs, where Yeosang was staring at the math problem that my book was open to.

"Need help with that?" I asked sarcastically, knowing he probably didn't know how to do harder high school leveled math. "Haha." He bitterly retorted. "Are you staying over tonight?" I prayed he said no, so that I wouldn't deal with two headaches before school.

"Yep!" He said, much to my dismay, popping the 'p'.

I groaned and made an overly exaggerated frustrated face, "There's two of you now." I cried to myself, throwing my head in my hands. "Go up to his room then, and leave me alone." He let a quiet chuckle escape, before he ruffled my hair and went off to the stairs.

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful, Jinwoo and Yeosang mostly kept in my brother's room, only coming out when we had dinner or something. I stayed in the kitchen or my room, finishing a couple of notes for some classes and homework assignments.

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"Jin!!" I called his name, knocking repeatedly on the locked door. "Dude, I need a ride, so get your lazy ass up or tell me where your keys are!" From outside the door, I could hear someone hit the floor, before shouting out, "What the fuck!" Soon after, I hear shuffling, "Your sisters calling you." Yeosangs voice speaks. "She just needs a ride, you take her." Jinwoos muffled voice says back to his friend.

"Just tell me where your keys are!" I shouted, hitting his door. "No! I need my car today!" He shouted back, his voice no longer muffled. "Yeosang'll take you!"

I rolled my eyes at my brother's typical behavior, then walk down the hall to get a few things from my room. I had on some brown pants, with a navy blue long-sleeved button-up tucked in, my hair was in a low ponytail, with a couple of baby hairs falling in the front. I went to my closet and grabbed my dark brown boston bag, slipping in my charger and wallet, along with my laptop.

A knock against my already opened door pulled me out of my morning bliss. "Hey, you almost ready?" Yeosang asks, leaning against my door frame, one of his hands in his pockets. "Yeah, you want to stop by for some coffee first? I still have maybe half an hour until my first class starts." I replied, checking my phone for how much money I had in my bank. Yeosang flicked his wrist, checking his watch quickly, "Sure, you want to head out now?" I pressed my lips together and smiled at him, "Mmhm." I hummed, nodding my head and following him out, bag hanging on my arm.

"So, you're paying...right?" I asked, laughing lightly through my mask, my arm looped through Yeosangs as we walked through the busy street that led up to the cafe. He looked down at me, a slight glare in his eyes, but the way his eyes squinted said he was smiling. "As long as you pay me back." He shrugged his shoulders and held the door to the cafe open for me.

"What time are your classes done today?" He asked, leaning on a table that was off to the side near the register. "I only have three classes today, and only the first two are back to back, the third is after lunch. Today my lunch period is an hour and a half, so..." I stopped mid sentence when I realized I was rambling. "Sorry, I'm talking too much." Yeosang just laughed, he went to say something, but was cut off when the barista called out our order. "I'll be back.'' I nodded and moved to the door, waiting for Yeosang as he walked to me, he passed me my drink, and we headed out the door. "Wait, don't start the car yet." I announced, covering the hole of the lid with my fingers, before shaking up the drink, so the flavors would spread. Yeosang scoffed and started the car anyways, hooking up his phone so he could put on his playlist. "Okay, let's go! I have ten minutes to go to the other side of town." Yeosang looked at me weirdly, taking a sip of his drink, "It's literally 20 miles from here."

Soon enough, he pulled up just outside my school. "Call me before you get out for lunch, I'll pick you up and we can go somewhere if I can convince your brother. Or you know, I can abandon him for you." He spoke, before I got out of the car. "Actually I was going to eat out with one of my friends, but maybe we can meet up after that, it shouldn't take more than 20 minutes. It's just a quick formal lunch with my senior." I explained, checking my phone one last time, for the clock. "Okay, I'll see you then. Oh wait, its supposed to get colder around lunch," He starts, reaching under his sweatshirt. "I'll add it to the collection." I said, as I opened the passenger door, ready to get out.

"Y/n, one last thing..." He pulled my arm quickly, pressing his lips against mine. His fingers moved from under my chin to grazing against my cheeks. "Time to spend the day with your brother." He said once we pulled away from each other. I smiled softly, our foreheads still resting on each other, "I really have to go now." He pecked my lips before letting my go. I shouldered my bag and let his hoodie fall from my arms, finally escaping the car. I wave bye as I walked to the gates of the school.

Yay, college stuff now.

𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 & 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now