Mingi - Met Again ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・

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*four years ago*

Holding the cap and gown in her hands, Y/n stared at the grass on the ground, regretting the time that is to come. "So, this is it, huh?" She muttered, Mingi almost not hearing her. The tall boy sighed, "Yeah, i guess so."

Y/n was off to college and Mingi was a trainee for KQ Entertainment, the couple didnt know if they would ever see each other again.

Taking her hand in his, Mingi pulled her close to his chest, kissing her temple, "Dont wait for me to be happy. You're going to college, and you're supposed to have the time of your life. Im not asking you to forget me, because i know i wont forget you, just do what makes you happy. Okay?" He said, watching as tears drop down her cheeks, tears forming in his own eyes.

Shaking her head, Y/n put her cheek against his chest to head his heart beat. "I wont forget you, I love you."

Bringing his finger under her chin, he lifted her gaze, "And i love you too." He slowly pressed his lips against hers, sharing their last kiss.

Y/n hugged him tightly, not wanting to let go, but eventually had to as her parents yelled at her to hurry up, so she could go to the airport. "If we meet again, im not letting you go." She declared, pointing a finger at him.

He laughed lightly, pecking her lips once, "Same goes towards you."

*present time*

Y/n walked into the hair salon, waiting for Yeonjun to finish getting his hair dyed. She sat at an extra stool beside Yeonjun, as a lady was bleaching his hair. "So thats what, the 5th time you get it bleached? Might as well keep going til its white."

Yeonjun had his eyes closed, due to the fumes, but still responded to his best friends remarks, "Haha, and for you information i think i might actually go for white one day. If not, then platinum blonde."

Y/n just rolled her eyes and took out her phone. "I mean, you'd probably still pull it off." She shrugged, starting to play a game on her phone.

"Hey, when im finished, can we go get food? Im starving." He rubbed his stomach to emphasize his last statement.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Walking through the mall, Yeonjun chews on a corn dog, while Y/n trailed behind him with a soft pretzel and drink in her hands. "So, what do you need from the mall?" Y/n asked, lifting her head to look at the taller male.

"Uhm its one of my member's birthday's soon, so i need to buy him a gift." He mumbled out, wandering into a random store. "Ooh, this is a nice shirt." He blurted, looking through the clothing, and putting it against him in the mirrors.

"Yeonjun, did we come here for your members or for you?" The girl teased, looking at some of the button up shirts in the mens section. He smiled awkwardly and threw away his corn dog stick, "Both?" He shrugged. The shorter shook her head, but followed him around the store.

Walking towards the music section, Y/n comes upon Seventeens newest album. "Yeonjun! Dude, you make more money than i do, buy this for me." Yeonjun walks over, and laughs at Y/ns statement. (A/N: Someones buy me seventeens album pls i will love you forever)

"You're lucky i like you, kid." He says, squinting his eyes at her, before ruffling her dark hair, making it fall in her face. The younger backs away from him, brushing her hair backwards, "Yes, very lucky. I'll pay you back by buying you lunch sometime." Yeonjun nods and grabs an album off the shelf. "Hey, you should come to our show next week. You can talk go Soobin." He winked at the last part.

Y/n blushed, remember that txt shipped the two of them together, "Dude, gross. Soobins like my brother, thats just weird."

"Mhmm, sure he is." Yeonjun teased, smirking and wiggling his eyebrows at her, bursting into laughter afterwards. "Im kidding! But you're coming next week."

Y/n rolled her eyes but nodded, "Okay, of course im coming to see my best friends perform." Yeonjun smiled and nodded his head.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

"Hey Soobin man!!" Y/n yelled, rushing towards him and hugging his waist, "Whats up kid?" He greeted, smiling towards Y/n.

"Y/n, Soobin, lets go. We have a soundcheck." Yeonjun yelled, running from behind the two and dragging their linked arms to the stage.

Y/n watched them from the side, "Wow, their amazing." A voice said behind her. She jumped and turned around to see a very attractive male with pink hair. "Sorry, my group is next for soundcheck, and we just wanted to check them out a bit. Im Seonghwa." He greeted, holding out his hand for me to shake, "Y/n, txt is basically my brothers, but Yeonjun is my best friend." She said, pointing out all them members.

"Maybe you can watch my groups soundcheck?" Seonghwa asked, to which Y/n nodded her head.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

"Hey, who was that?" Soobin asked, coming off of stage. "Oh, said his name was Seonghwa." I answered, putting an arm on his shoulders. "Ah, ateez sunbaemin! Lets watch their soundcheck." He said eagerly.

The music started and we all sat in the audience and watched the senior group perform. "No fucking way." My jaw dropped as I heard a familiar, fix on! "MINGI?!"

Waiting for their soundcheck to finish, I ran backstage, running into Seonghwa, "Hey, did you lik-" "Mingi." I said, looking around. "Oh Mingis over there." He pointed towards the backstage stairs.

"Mingi!!" I shouted, seeing him take his mic pack off and slip out his iems. He looked up and his eyes widened. I ran towards him, and hugged him tightly. "I missed you." I said, tears falling down my cheeks.

he hugged me back, before kissing my temple. "I missed you too."

𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 & 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now