Seonghwa - Colour Rush pt2 ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・

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Again; semi inspired by the BL colour rush

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Ever since the encounter with my soulmate, ive been longing to see colour once again, but i never run into whoever that was. Its been about a week, and i only told my best friend, Jiwoo, about making eye contact with my soulmate. She immediately wanted to know everything, even made me draw him from memory, good thing i could draw a bit better than the average person.

"Thats him." I said, putting the charcoal pencil down on the sketchpad, having had took 2 days drawing him. "But i didnt get his name or anything. We just bumped into each other and he ran away." I mumbled, staring at the sketch i drew of the boy, a mask covering half his face like when i met him.

Jiwoo walked over to me, putting one of her hands on the back of my chair, while leaning forward on the table, looking at my drawing. "Wow, he looks cute." I stifle a laugh and shake my head, "Doesnt he? But that doesnt matter if i never meet him again."

"Hmm, i may know a guy." She trails off, taking out her phone and snapping a picture of my sketch. "When i tell you this man knows almost everyone in South me, if he doesnt know him, then you're man is a ghost."

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Pulling up to the meeting place, I wipe my hands over my jean covered thighs.

Turns out, Jiwoos guy did know the person that was supposedly my soulmate, and the two talked, with Jiwoo getting heavily involved. Which meant she was threatening him half the time. Then, we each arrived on a meeting place and time so that we could be "reunited and fall in love." As Wooyoung and Jiwoo said.

Exiting and locking my car, I fiddle with the keys, somehow trying to shake the nerves onto something else, then i walk into the small dog cafe i usually always pass up.

When i opened the door, a small bell noise was heard, followed by an employee welcoming me, then a big fluffy dog ran my way, nuzzling its head into the side of my leg. I smiled under my mask and leaned down to pet the dog. I called out my drink order to an employee and he nodded his head, while pushing buttons on the register, before signaling me to pay.

While i was playing with the dogs, two smaller ones came over, i felt my phone buzz in my pocket.

To your left

I hesitated before looking around to my left side, making eye contact with a male sitting alone. A split second later, colour bursts through everything. My eyes widened at the pale green colour the walls were painted, then I looked at the dogs and saw that the larger one was a golden colour, one of the small ones was dark brown and the other was a light brown.

"Awwee, so cute." I cooed, ruffling the dogs fur once more, before walking over to Seonghwa.

So short story time: Jiwoo and Wooyoung gave Seonghwa and I each others numbers, but both of us were way too nervous to text each other first, until our friends forced us to meet.

"H-Hi." Seonghwa stuttered out, pulling off his mask and taking a sip of his drink, that looked like it was strawberry flavored.

A waiter came over and sat my drink down in front of me. I thanked them and they walked back over to behind the counter.

"Hi." I greeted back, slipping off my mask to take a sip of my caramel flavored drink. "So...youre my soulmate, that's interesting." I started to say, wanting to not he sitting in the awkward atmosphere that we held.

Seonghwa let a chuckle escape his lips before nodding, "Yeah,  i guess we are. Did you know i was the last person of my friend group to find my soulmate? And im literally the oldest member! Why have you been hiding from me?" He rambled, ending his sentence with a small glare at me.

I slowly took another drink, letting the caramel flavor hit my tongue again, before making a face at him, "If I remember correctly, you were the one who ran away when we first met." He blushed for a second, before hiding behind his cup, "Well, to be fair, i didnt believe in soulmates. I was in love with someone, for a long time, before, but i never saw colour with them. Then, i met you on the streets."

I fiddled with my fingers, wrapping them around the small cup that held my drink, before looking up at him, "I was kind of scared to meet my soulmate. Ive always wondered, what would happen if i stopped seeing colour with you, or if you stopped seeing colour with me."

"Since we both seem a bit hesitant, how about we start slow? Whats your favorite candy?" I brought my hands to cover my face as i laughed at his question. He seemed to be offended, but laughed it off, "Well what do you want me to ask? I dont see you trying to start conversations." I only laugh harder, "I'm sorry, im not making fun of you. I promise. The question was just so random."

"Oh my friends are going to love you." He mutters, leaning back into his seat, while drinking through his straw, shaking his head.

𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 & 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now