─◌✰್ - Seonghwa as a Boyfriend 🌟

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🌟 very much a hopeless romantic

🌟 overprotective 25/8

🌟 loves to cook food for you, unless you know how to cook, but even then he at least helps you out

🌟 acts like a nagging mom, but only because he doesnt like to see you hurt or sad

🌟 cleans all over your apartment/house

🌟 would drive in the middle of the night to your house, just because he missed you, especially after he comes back from tours or long promotions away from you

🌟 cuddle sessions are a must, and he makes sure to get cuddles everyday, not matter what

🌟 loves to give you back hugs

🌟 loves when you give him back hugs

🌟 would sing obnoxiously around the house with you, as long as you didnt tell the members

🌟 never makes you feel insecure

🌟 really trusting

🌟 loyal asf (or else Hongjoong would beat his ass)

🌟 hongjoong or wooyoung is your best friend

🌟 when you have bad days he would make your favorite food, or pick up your favorite food, listen to you rant about whats making you have a bad day. Afterwards, when youre feeling better, he would put on your favorite movie, while you two lay in a pillow and blanket fort he made, snacking on popcorn and candy

🌟 very happy you get along with his members, but if you start acting too much like them, he will disown you

🌟 very few arguments, since you both are mature and talk to each other about everything

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