Yunho - College Beginnings ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・

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I like this one, sorta

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Monday, every students least favorite day.

Today was Monday, and the first day back to school, only I had just graduated from high school and was now going into a new college at the age of 19, KQ University.

Walking towards the main office, I give them my name and they hand me my schedule. "Can you show me where my first class is?" I asked, but me being the quiet, introverted person i am, got dismissed by the lady.

I sighed and walked around cluelessly, hoping to spot a familiar or at least friendly face. While stumbling around in the crowd of other clueless freshmen and upperclassmen rushing off to their classes, someone bumped into me and caused me to bump into someone else.

"Im so sorry." I quickly apologized, while looking up at the person i bumped into. Wow he was really tall...and cute. "Im sorry, it wasnt my fault, i swear."

The tall boy reached down and picked up his books and my bag, "Its no worry." He reassured me, his eyes traveling down to my schedule. "Oh you're a freshman? Bet youre lost, huh?" He chuckled, handing me my backpack.

Taking the bag in my hands, i nod slowly. "Yeah, to both of those. Can you help me, please?"

His lips break out into a big smile, making him look like a fluffball, "Sure! My names Yunho, im a junior here, but my friend Jongho, is a freshman like you too, so i was also showing him around but i guess i annoyed him a little and he walked off to find another friend of ours, Yeosang." He rambled, making me laugh.

There was still another 30 minutes until the first bell rang, soYunho decided he would show me to all my classes, he even introduced me to Jongho, we found out we had 4 out of 6 classes together.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

It was now the start of lunch, students and teachers had an hour for lunch, then classes resumed again, so Jongho went looking for his hyungs, and since i knew no one else, i accompanied him.

"I think Yunho hyung likes you." Jongho blurted. I couldnt tell if he was being sincere or not, so i bit my tongue and nodded. "We barely met today, how can you tell?" The taller boy shrugged and ruffled his dyed hair, "Havent you heard of love at first sight? Yunho hyung gets really attached to people and he falls in love fast, so i wouldnt put it past him to at least have a little crush on you. You arent bad looking."

I squinted by eyes at him and shook my head, "Thanks." I say sarcastically to his last statement.

"Jongho!" A voice shouted, startling Jongho and I. We looked towards the direction it came from and saw Yunho with six other very attractive boys.

I slap Jonghos shoulder, forgetting i just met him, and acting as if hes my best friend. "Oh come on! What the hell? Why are you and your friends so good looking!?"

Unfazed, Jongho grabs my wrist and drags me towards the boys, "Hyungs, this is Y/n! Y/n this is Seonghwa, Hongjoong, San, Mingi, Wooyoung, and of course you know Yunho, hyungs." He rushed out, secretly counting on his fingers.

"Oh you were right, Yunho, she is pretty." Hongjoong nodded his head, stealing something from out of Seonghwas backpack.

Yunhos face flushed red as he faced Hongjoong, "Hyung!" He whined, making the others laugh at him. "Come on, lets just go to the cafe!" He huffed, changing the subject and walking off.

"Im sorry but the max seating is 7, there are 9 of you." A waitress said as the 9 of us arrived through the cafe door.

Yunho shrugged and gestured to two tables combined for a joint lunch, "Oh, thats okay, we can just combine tables, ri-"

"No! The 7 of us will sit together and Y/n and you can sit together!" Seonghwa said sharply, making me flinch at the look he gave Yunho, as if he was demanding him with his eyes.

"O...kay..." Yunho turns to me, "Are you okay with that?" He asked, slowly walking away from Seonghwa. I make eye contact with Seonghwa, seeing his eyes basically scream at me to sit with Yunho, then bit my lips and nod my head. "I guess." I said, although it came out in a questioning tone.

"Great!" Hongjoong shouted, clapping his hands together. "Its settled, we'll sit together and the coup- newly made friends- will sit together." The waitress looked at us weird before seating us, Yunho and I two tables down from the other boys.

"Thats a bummer, I was hoping to get to know the others too." I mumbled, propping my head up on one of my palms, while I read the menu with the other.

Yunhos menu quickly uncovered his face, showing a pout, "So you dont want to hang out with me?" He asked, showing big eyes, looking like a sad puppy.

Great, time to panic, Y/n. "Fuck- No! Thats not what i meant, I swear! Its just-!" My mini panic attack was cut off by Yunho chuckling, holy shit is this what heaven sounds like-

"I was kidding, Y/n, i know im your favorite." He waves his hand off, calling a waiter over. I shake my head and we order our food.

"Yunho, you suck at flirting!" Yeosang yelled, across two tables, making some people stare at him and us. "I wasnt aware that i had to flirt!" Yunho yelled back, making me cover my face as he caught more peoples eyes.

He played with the strings of his hoodie, then took a sip of his drink, "I apologize for them, really." He spoke quietly, his ears turning a shade of red.

Cute. "Its okay, i have siblings so i can kind of relate."

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

"So, whens our next date?" Yunho asked, smiling cheekily, making me blush.

"Date? This was a date?" I stuttered out, almost choking on air.

"Duh! It's obvious i like you, so give me your phone number so i can be as annoying and clingy as possible." He demanded, pulling out his mobile and handing it to me.

I laugh nervously and type in my number, "Okay then."

"Y/n come on! We have to get back to our last class and i heard Mr. Kims a bitch!" Jongho interrupts us, waving over to me.

Freshmen had 6 classes but Juniors and Senior, depending on what they were majoring in, only had 3-5 classes. Half the boys had 5 classes, while Hongjoong and Yunho only had 4 and Seonghwa had 3.

I hand Yunho his phone, then decide to be brave, for once in my life, and stand on my toes to kiss his cheek. "Bye, Yunho!" I yelled, running away from him and grabbing Jonghos arm on the way out.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Yunho still stood in place, holding his reddened cheek, while staring where Y/n once stood. Hongjoong walked over and waved a hand in front of the frozen giants face, "Hello? Anyone home?"

Yunho shook his head, then grabbed onto Hongjoongs shoulders, "SHE KISSED ME, HYUNG!!" He cheered, jumping up and down, like an excited kid.

𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 & 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now