Chapter 1: Invisible

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       Suho felt invisible.
       Whenever he was in a room of people, he was never noticed. When he tried to make friends, he was ignored. Was he not cool enough? Not friendly enough? Not interesting enough? These thoughts filled Suho's mind every day, damaging his self-esteem and confidence with the ugly thoughts.

       He felt empty, hurt, unwanted, and lonely. If he were to disappear, never returning to the real word, would anyone notice?

       All Suho desired was one true friend, someone who he could have a good conversation with, hang out with after school, or sit with at lunch. Was that too much to ask for?

       Suho wished he could stay home and lock himself away, reading books and never leaving his house. But his father forced him to attend school, so Suho had no choice but to go.

       But the more Suho was ignored, the more he got used to being ignored. Like a speck of dust floating in the air, Suho wandered around the school's halls feeling invisible.

       His life felt pointless. He was alone and numb, drowning in his own emotions.

       All Suho wanted was that one person who would stand by his side no matter what.

       The question was, would Suho ever find that person, or would he be lonely forever?

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