Chapter 44: The New Kid

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(On Monday)

Seojun's POV:

I walked into my math class and took a seat at my desk. I had somehow managed to arrive to class early today, so most of the other students weren't even in the classroom yet.

In one swift motion I slid my backpack off of my shoulder and placed it next to my chair on the ground. As I waited for all the other students to enter the classroom I laid my head down onto my desk. Soon enough the bell rang and class began.

"Good morning everyone! I'm going to take attendance real quick, but afterwards I'll pass out your graded math tests so you can see what grade you got," the teacher said as she began to mark down who was present and who was absent.

"Where are Suho and Ju-kyung?" I wondered as I looked at the two empty desks next to me where each of them usually sat at.

"Okay, I finished taking attendance so I'll pass your graded tests out now," the teacher announced, interrupting my thoughts.

"I wonder what grade I got," I whispered to myself as I nervously waited for my test to be handed over to me. I was really hoping to get a good grade since I had practiced a lot with Suho.

"Here you go," the teacher said as she handed me my test. I held my breath as I hesitantly looked down at it.

"Oh my god..." I muttered once I read what grade I got.

"I got...I GOT AN A+!?" I yelled, my eyes widening as I was now in a state of pure shock.

Everyone in the classroom turned and faced me, seeming startled by my shouting.

"Oh uh, sorry everyone," I awkwardly laughed before looking back down at my test to double check that I had read it correctly. "A+" was written on the top left corner of the test in red pen.

"I can't wait to tell Suho," I grinned, feeling proud of myself for finally doing well on a math test.

"If you aren't happy with the grade you got then you'll be able to re-take the test this Friday. Now everyone open up your textbook to page 27, we're starting a new unit today," the teacher told us.

(After Math Class)

I walked out of math class and headed over to my locker. While I was putting my textbooks away in my locker I felt someone tap on my shoulder, and once I turned around I met eyes with Ju-kyung.

"Hi!" she exclaimed, pulling me into a hug.

"Why weren't you in math class?" I asked as I wrapped my arms around her, hugging her back.

"Oh, the principal asked Suho and I to show a new kid around the school," she replied.

"There's a new kid?" I asked as I shut my locker.

"Yeah, his name's Seyeon and he's really nice. Anyways, we should probably head to class now before we're late," Ju-kyung said as she grabbed my hand and began walking in the direction of our next class.

We both entered the classroom right as the bell rang and quickly sat down at our desks. I noticed that a student was standing at the front of the class near the teacher.

"He must be Seyeon," I realized. The boy had neatly styled brown hair as well as brown eyes. He seemed to be a bit timid, but maybe that was just because he was new to this school.

"Everyone say hello to your new classmate, Seyeon. You can go take a seat over there next to Suho," the teacher said, pointing in the direction of his desk. I watched as the new student walked over to the empty desk next to Suho, taking a seat by him.

"So class, today we're going to be learning more about instruments in the string family! With a partner you'll complete a worksheet about these instruments, and it'll be due at the end of class today," the music teacher explained.

"Can we choose our partner?" a student asked.

"Yup," the teacher replied, nodding her head.

I got up and headed over to Suho's desk.

"Do you want to be partners?" I asked him as I stood in front of his desk.

He glanced up at me for merely a second before looking over at Seyeon and asking him, "Wanna be partners?"

"Sure," Seyeon replied, seeming grateful that someone had wanted to be his partner.

Did Suho just ignore me...?

I turned around and slowly walked back to my desk.

"There you are Seojun! Wanna be partners?" Ju-kyung asked me.

"Sure," I shrugged.

"Now that you've all found a partner I'll pass out the worksheets," the music teacher said as she picked up a stack of worksheets from off of her desk, handing one out to each group.

"Thanks!" Ju-kyung said to the teacher once she was handed a worksheet.

"Okay Seojun, the first question asks how many strings are on a guitar," Ju-kyung told me.

"That's easy, there are six," I responded, and Ju-kyung wrote that as the answer to the first question.

"The next question asks to name the strings on the violin," she said.

"E, A, D, and G," I replied. These questions weren't even difficult.

Ju-kyung and I continued to answer the questions on the worksheet, and after a while we were finished.

"I'll go turn it in," Ju-kyung said as she got up from her desk, leaving me by myself.

Once Ju-kyung was gone I looked over in the direction of Suho and watched as him and Seyeon worked together. The two of them seemed to be getting along well. Maybe a little too well. I noticed that their shoulders were touching, and their hands kept brushing against each other as they passed the worksheet back and forth between each other.

"Why do I feel so...jealous right now?" I muttered, feeling confused with myself.

"Watcha looking at?" I heard Ju-kyung say as she waved her hand in front of my face, trying to get my attention.

"Oh uh, nothing," I replied, nervously scratching the back of my head.

"Okay, well anyways the teacher said we can do whatever we want now since we finished the worksheet," she told me.

I looked back over at Suho and sighed.

"I'll try to talk to him again at lunch," I decided.

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