Chapter 32: The Note

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(After school)

Suho's POV:

"Dad, I'm home," I said as I entered the house and slid my shoes off of my feet.

"Dad?" I questioned as I glanced around the house. None of the lights were on and the house was completely silent.

I walked into the kitchen and noticed that there was a note on the table.


I picked up the note and read it out loud:

Dear Suho,

I have to go out of town for a few months. I'm sorry, but the company needs me to be there. I hope you understand, and I promise I'll try to come home as soon as possible.


Your father

I felt anger instantly overflow my body after reading the note.

       "What the hell?" I muttered as I crumpled the note in my fist. The thought of living alone in my house for months made me feel uncomfortable.

I scoffed as I threw the crumpled piece of paper onto the table. Then I left the kitchen and walked into my bedroom.

       "Why is my life like this," I sighed as I dropped my backpack onto the floor and sat on the edge of my bed.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and checked my notifications. I had one text.

"Seojun? Why'd he text me?" I wondered as I clicked on his contact.

Seojun: hey

Me: hi?

Seojun: Watcha doing?

Me: Nothing much, I just got home. How about you?

Seojun: I'm getting ready to go on my date with Ju-kyung

"Oh yah...he's going on a date tonight," I muttered.

Me: have fun 🙃

Seojun: Thanks. I'm a bit nervous tho :/

Me: Don't be. I'm sure you'll have fun together 👍

Seojun: Yah, you're right. Well I better go now, I'll see you at school tomorrow. Bye :)

Me: Bye

       I turned my phone off and laid down on my bed.

       "Try not to think about it," I whispered to myself over and over again as I shut my eyes, trying to fall asleep without even bothering to change out of my school uniform.

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