Chapter 23: Hurt

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       Suho's POV:

A tear. A singular tear dripped out of my eye and rolled down my cheek, hitting the ground.

"Why do I feel so...hurt?" I uttered out as I leaned my back against the shower wall and allowed the hot, steaming water to burn my sensitive skin.

I shut my eyes tightly and replayed what happened on the rooftop in my mind...

"I think...I think I have a crush on someone," I remember Seojun telling me.

"Who?" I had asked.

"Ju-kyung," he told me, and at that moment I felt an emptiness in my chest as well as a strange downward pull in my throat. My heart was sinking...

"It hurts," I sniffled as I placed my hand onto my heart. I slid down the wall and allowed my bare bottom to hit the wet tile floor. My hair was drenched with water and my vision was blurry with tears. I tried to hold them back but failed. Tears rolled down my face and I had to hold my breath and grab my stomach to keep quiet so that nobody would know that I was crying. My tears mixed together with the water from the shower, instantly washing away.

I felt confused. Why did I constantly feel jealous when Seojun was with Ju-kyung? Why did I constantly want to be with Seojun? Why did I feel happier with Seojun? And most of all, why did I wish that Seojun had a crush on me instead of Ju-kyung?


I wrapped my arms around my knees, cradling them to my chest. I was sick of crying, tired of trying, and fed up of having to always put on a fake smile in order to hide my pain.

Once I calmed myself a bit, I got up from the ground and turned off the shower. I walked out of the shower and dried my body, wrapping the towel around my waist afterwards. I used a second towel to dry my face and hair.

As I stood in front of my bathroom sink, I stared at my reflection in the mirror. My eyes were red and puffy, and I looked like a mess. Sighing, I walked out of my bathroom and into my bedroom. Then I put on a fresh pair of boxers as well as some black baggy shorts and a white oversized top.

"I feel exhausted," I muttered as I headed over to my bed. I wished that I could skip school tomorrow, but I knew that my dad would never let me. I threw my blanket over my body, covering myself with it.

Right as I shut my eyes, I thought about Seojun. I remembered the day he drew me the panda doodle, and the day when he bandaged my wounds in the nurse's office. I remembered when he took his shirt off in the gym locker room, and when he raced me to class. And lastly, I remembered how nice it felt when we hugged.

"I think...I think I like you Han Seojun," I whispered to myself before my mind went blank and I fell into a deep sleep.

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