Chapter 42: Where Are You?

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       Seojun's POV:

       "Where's Suho?" I wondered as I looked around the room. He hadn't come back from the bathroom yet and I was starting to get a bit worried.

       "Hey, uhm I'm gonna go check on Suho. I'll be right back, okay?" I told Ju-kyung.

       "Okay, but come back quickly," she replied.

       I then left the dance floor and headed in the direction of the bathroom.

       "Suho? Are you alright?" I asked as I knocked on the bathroom door. Nobody responded.


       "Are you okay?" I asked once again as I knocked a bit harder on the door. But yet again, nobody responded.

       "Is he even in there?" I wondered as I placed my hand on the doorknob and turned it.

       "It's unlocked," I realized as I pushed the door open. The lights inside of the bathroom were off and I realized that I had been right, nobody was in there. So where was Suho?

       "Crap, where did he go?" I muttered as I rushed out of the empty bathroom. I searched everywhere, in the kitchen, living room, and even the bedrooms but I couldn't find Suho anywhere.

       "Have you guys seen a boy wearing a blue hoodie?" I asked some students, but they all just shook their heads no.

       "Maybe I should try texting him," I finally decided, so I pulled my phone out of my pocket and began typing.

Seojun: Hey, where are you? I can't find you anywhere. Are you okay?

       I waited, anxiously staring at my screen for about ten minutes in hopes that he would reply to my text.

       But he didn't.

       "Did he go home?" I wondered as I turned my phone off and shoved it back into my pocket. I mean if he wasn't here at the party anymore then he had to be at his house, right?

       So I began walking in the direction of the front door and was planning on riding my motorcycle to Suho's house, but before I could even open the door I was stopped by an angry looking Ju-kyung.

       "Where are you going?! I told you to come back quickly but you've been gone for over fifteen minutes!" she scolded me.

       "I'm sorry, it's just that I can't find Suho anywhere and I'm starting to get really worried!" I replied. I mean yeah, I felt terrible for leaving Ju-kyung by herself for so long, but at the same time I cared about Suho and needed to make sure that he was okay.

       "He's probably fine! C'mon let's go dance," she said, grabbing my wrist in an attempt to drag me away from the door and back to the dance floor.

       "Stop, I need to make sure he's okay! Please let go of me!" I pleaded as I tried to pull my wrist out of her tight grasp.

       "You know what...fine. Just go," she sighed, finally letting go of my wrist. I could tell that she was disappointed that the two of us weren't able to spend more time together. I hadn't planned on leaving the party early, but right now I had no choice but to leave since Suho was missing.

       "I'm sorry," I apologized to Ju-kyung once again before turning around and heading back in the direction of the front door. I probably seemed like a pretty crappy boyfriend right now.

       Once outside, I quickly got onto my motorcycle and began riding in the direction of Suho's house. As I rode I couldn't help but wonder, "Why did he just leave the party without telling me? Had I done something bad?" I felt incredibly confused at the moment.

       Eventually I arrived at his house. I hurriedly parked my motorcycle on his driveway and ran to his front door. I then began knocking on the door until I finally heard the door unlock and watched as it was pushed open.

       At first I felt relieved to know that nothing bad had happened to Suho and that he was safe. But once I saw how red and puffy his eyes were, that relief was immediately replaced by a mixture of confusion and worry.

       Had he been crying?

       "What...what happened?" I gulped.

       "Nothing," he mumbled, now trying to avoid eye contact with me.

       "Okay don't lie, I can literally tell that you were crying. What happened and why did you leave the party without even telling me?" I asked, trying to get him to explain what had happened.

       "I felt sick so I went home. I'm fine," he replied monotonously, but I could tell that this was also a lie.

       "Why are you still lying to me?! I'm your best friend for god's sake!" I yelled, feeling frustrated that he wasn't telling the truth. If he had actually felt sick then he would've let me know that he was going home.

       "I'm not lying! Can you just leave me alone?!" Suho screamed at me. This was the first time he's ever yelled at me like this, which confirmed that something was definitely wrong.

       "I'm not leaving until you tell me the truth!" I replied, crossing my arms.

       After a long, awkward pause of silence, Suho said, "Okay...fine...but come inside first."

       I did as told, stepping into his house. Suho directed me upstairs and into his bedroom where we each took a seat at the edge of his bed.

       Looking me directly in the eyes, Suho stated, "Seojun...I...I like you. I like you a lot. And I was actually planning on telling you this at the party but then I saw you ask out Ju-kyung and I just panicked and left."

       I froze.

       "Wait...what? like me?" I mumbled in complete disbelief.

       "Yes Seojun, I like you," he replied as he placed his hand on top of mine and gave me a hesitant smile.

       I gulped, shifting my gaze away from Suho and onto my shoes.

       "Look...Suho...I'm sorry but I don't think of you that way. We're just friends, nothing more than that. Okay?" I told him, not wanting to sound too harsh.

       "Oh...okay. I understand..." Suho mumbled, his voice quavering as he spoke. He removed his hand from where he had previously placed it on my own.

       "I'm sorry," I apologized before getting up from Suho's bed and preparing myself to head home. I knew that I had to leave now before things got even more awkward between the two of us.

       "Wait! You aren't going to tell anyone about this, right? Because nobody really know that I'," he said, seeming worried that I would out him.

       "I won't," I reassured him before walking out of his bedroom and leaving his house. I got onto my motorcycle and rode in silence the entire way home. After sneaking upstairs and into my bedroom, being extra careful to not wake up my mom or sister, I laid down on my bed and began to process what had just happened.

       Suho just confessed that he likes me.

       But the problem is, I don't have feelings for him...I think.

       I like Ju-kyung, right? That's why I asked her out.

       "Gosh, this is all so confusing..." I muttered before closing my eyes and falling asleep.

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