Chapter 45: You're Wrong

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(During Lunch)

        Seojun's POV:

        Once it was lunchtime I made my way into the cafeteria and took a seat at the table that Suho and I always sat at together. I was hoping that Suho would actually talk to me during lunch and not just ignore me like he did in class.

       I unzipped my lunchbox and began to eat the lunch that I had packed for myself this morning. I had a sandwich, some fruit and a bottle of strawberry milk for lunch today.

       Right as I was about to take the third bite out of my sandwich, I felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around me, giving me hug from behind.

       "Suho?!" I exclaimed without thinking, quickly turning around in order to see who the person was.

       "Uh..what?" Ju-kyung muttered, seeming confused to why I had expected her to be Suho.

       "Oh, hey Ju-kyung," I gulped, now feeling embarrassed.

       As Ju-kyung took a seat next to me at the lunch table and began to unpack her lunch, I opened my strawberry milk and took a sip of it.

       "So...why did you think that I was Suho?" Ju-kyung abruptly asked, glaring at me.

       After choking on my strawberry milk for a solid minute, I responded by saying, "I don't know!"

       "Were you hoping that I was him?" she asked me.

       "No!" I quickly replied.

       "Good," she grinned, seeming satisfied with my answer.

       "Phew," I whispered before taking another bite out of my sandwich. As I ate I looked over at the front of the cafeteria, eagerly waiting for the moment that Suho would come walking in.

       Suho's POV:

       Right as I was about to enter the cafeteria I felt someone tug on my sleeve. Once I turned around I met eyes with the new kid, Seyeon.

"Oh hey! What's up?" I questioned.

       "Would you mind if I sat next to you during lunch?" he asked me.

       "You can sit by me, I don't mind," I replied, giving him a reassuring pat on the back.

       "Okay, thank you!" he grinned.

       I then led Seyeon into the cafeteria.

       Seojun's POV:

       A grin formed onto my face once I saw Suho walk into the cafeteria. I noticed that there was another student following behind him, but I couldn't quite pinpoint who they were.

       Once I saw Suho looking over in my direction I motioned for him to come sit by me. But rather than heading over to my table, he walked over to the table on the complete opposite side of the cafeteria.

       "You've got to be kidding me," I muttered, feeling frustrated that Suho was avoiding me.

       "Is something wrong?" Ju-kyung asked, tilting her head in my direction.

       I sighed before responding with a quiet "yes".

       "Well what is it?" she questioned.

       "Uhm..." I mumbled, debating whether or not to tell her about what's been going on between Suho and I.

       "Just spit it out," she said, her voice now sounding a bit more aggressive. I gulped, feeling intimidated by her sudden change of tone.

       "Okay, fine. It's just that Suho's been ignoring me all morning and it's starting to bother a lot. I miss talking to him in the halls, partnering up with him in class, and eating with him at lunch. Plus I think he's replacing me with that new kid Seyeon and for some reason that's making me feel really mad," I confessed, clenching my fists as I spoke. Once I was done talking I hesitantly looked over at Ju-kyung and waited for her response.

       "Is it really that big of a deal that he's ignoring you? Like...why do you care so much?" she scoffed.

       "...What?" I mumbled.

       "I'm just saying, you don't need him anyways, you have me. I honestly don't understand why you became friends with him in the first place," she added, rolling her eyes as she spoke.

      "Why the hell would you say that...?" I muttered in complete disbelief. Why was she acting like this?

       "Face it, you and I both know that Suho is just a looser who's gonna end up alone for the rest of his life. He's terrible at making friends and has zero personality. Personally, I think it's a good thing that he's avoiding you because now you won't have to deal with him anymore," Ju-kyung ranted.

       "You're wrong," I retorted, feeling pissed off with everything Ju-kyung was saying.

       "Huh?" she mumbled.

       "Suho isn't a looser and he's not gonna end up alone. He's the nicest, cutest, most amazing person I know, and you would know that too if you actually put in the effort to get to know him," I blurted out, feeling nothing but hatred for Ju-kyung as I spoke.

       Before Ju-kyung could even say anything to defend herself, the bell rang which meant that lunch was over. I shoved the remains of my lunch into my lunchbox and left the table.

       "How could she just say all of that about Suho when she barely even knows him," I muttered as I walked out of the cafeteria and headed in the direction of my locker.

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