Chapter 13: Jealousy?

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       Suho's POV:

Math was really boring today, we just had a pop quiz and took a few notes. Now I was headed to my next class, music. I wasn't able to walk with Seojun to music class today because he was still finishing up his pop quiz. It sucked not being able to walk with him, because he was my only friend so when I wasn't with him, I was alone.

       I sighed as I opened the door to the music room. As I made my way to my usual seat near the back of the class, I glanced over at the teacher. She was holding a clipboard in her hands and seemed to be jotting down notes onto it. I just shrugged not thinking much of it and sat down in my chair.

       "Everyone settle down," the teacher hushed us as the bell rung, indicating that class was starting.

"Seojun's late...," I thought as I looked over at the door, expecting him to come walking in to the classroom. But he didn't.

"Okay class, today you're going to be working in partners! With your partner, you'll have to complete the task of writing and recording a song! The best song will receive a reward, so no messing around! Your songs will be due next week on Monday!" The teacher explained to us.

Then she looked down at her clipboard and listed off who was working with who in partners.

"Suho, you'll be working with Seojun," the teacher eventually said, "And lastly, Ju-kyung, you'll be working with Soojin."

I looked around the classroom and soon realized that Seojun still wasn't here. Gosh, was he still working on the pop quiz?

I walked up to the teacher and said, "My partner Seojun isn't what should I do?"

"Same, my partner Ju-kyung isn't here either," I heard someone behind me say. I glanced in the direction of the voice and locked eyes with Soojin.

" know what? How about you two just be partners, and then Seojun and Ju-kyung can be partners whenever they show up to class," The music teacher decided. Soojin nodded her head in approval while I just stood there, silent.

"I want to be partners with Seojun," was the only thought that filled my head as I stared blankly at the teacher. She just patted my shoulder before heading back to her desk where she began to type on her computer, probably grading or whatever teachers do during class.

"I guess we're partners then," Soojin said as she gave me a slight grin, and I hesitantly nodded in response. To be honest, I felt uncomfortable talking to anyone other than Seojun.

"C'mon," Soojin said as she gently held my wrist and pulled me towards two desks. We both sat down and began planning our song.

"Hmmm how about this?" Soojin said as she handed me a piece of paper with some lyrics written on it. The lyrics weren't great, but they were good enough, so I nodded and told her that these lyrics were fine.

As I was about to ask Soojin what melody we should use for the song, someone slammed the classroom door open which almost gave me a heart attack. I glanced over at the door to see who just barged into the room, and I met eyes with a panting Seojun. Behind him, I saw Ju-kyung who also looked completely out of breath. I'm guessing they were both finally done with their math quizzes.

"Sorry for being late! I was finishing up some work in math," Seojun apologized to the teacher once he finally caught his breath. Ju-kyung nodded her head, letting the teacher know that that's what she was doing as well.

"Well I'm not too happy about you guys being late, but I'll forgive you for today," the teacher said before talking to Seojun and Ju-kyung about how they needed to work together to make a song. They seemed a bit confused at first, but after some explaining they eventually understood what they needed to do.

"This is gonna be so fun!" I heard Ju-kyung cheer as she dragged Seojun to two desks in the clasroom. I watched as Ju-kyung immediately started writing down lyrics onto a piece of paper, and every once in a while Seojun would write down lyrics too.

"Hmm...what should we rhyme with the word dancin?" Ju-kyung asked Seojun as she lightly tapped her pencil on her desk.

"Romancin," Seojun answered, a smirk present on his face. Ju-kyung looked weirded out for a moment before just shrugging. Then she jotted down the word "romancin" onto the piece of paper which made Seojun burst out laughing.

"I'm in the mood for dancin, romancin~," Ju-kyung sang. I had to admit, she was pretty good at singing.

Seojun tapped his finger on his desk, probably thinking about what lyrics should come next. After a few minutes of thinking, Seojun snapped his fingers saying "I got it" and then proceeded to sing.

"Ooh I'm givin' it all tonight. I'm in the mood for chancin. I feel like dancin~" Seojun sang.

"God, he sang those lyrics effortlessly," I thought as I continued to gaze at Seojun, leaning my head on the palm of my hand.

"Ooh so come on and hold me tight," Ju-kyung sang. Seojun jotted those lyrics down onto their piece of paper.

"Okay, now let's sing it all together!" Ju-kyung exclaimed and Seojun nodded his head.

"I'm in the mood for dancin' romancin'
Ooh I'm givin' it all tonight
I'm in the mood for chancin'
I feel like dancin'
Ooh so come on and hold me tight~," I watched the two of them sing in unison. Seojun's low voice harmonized beautifully with Ju-kyung's higher pitched voice.

I watched them high five each other, both of them happy with their song so far. I scoffed at the sight, my grip on my pencil tightening. Their bonding sickened me. What was this feeling growing inside of me?


Yes. I was jealous. I was jealous that Seojun was spending time with someone who wasn't me. I was jealous that my best friend was able to have fun without me while I couldn't stop thinking about him.

"Hey, you okay?" Soojin asked as she nudged me with her elbow. I quickly shook my thoughts away and looked at Soojin. I nodded my head, reassuring her that I was fine before setting my attention back onto our song.

During the remaining period of class Soojin and I managed to figure out a good melody. Then the bell eventually rang, indicating that class was over. Everyone rushed out of class, except Seojun who made his way towards me and gently patted my head.

"See you at lunch," Seojun said before exiting the class.

As I now sat alone in the classroom, one thought filled my head.

I, Lee Suho, feel jealous.

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