Chapter 9: Be Careful

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A week later...

        Seojun's POV:

       "Good looking, as usual," I beamed as I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I adjusted my bangs a bit until my hair looked perfect, and then I exited the boy's bathroom.

       I hummed as I began to walk back to my math class, but as I turned the corner a short girl came running into me and we both tumbled down to the ground.

       "Ouchh," I groaned as I opened my eyes to see who was stupid enough to bump into me.

       I locked eyes with a short brunette. She had long hair and large light brown eyes. Her glossy coral lip-tint matched well with her pale complexion. I couldn't help but notice that she was really pretty.

       "Be careful next time," I sighed as I got up from the ground. She looked intimidated by me, which was understandable.

       "Sorry!" She panicked as she quickly got up from the ground as well.

       "Uhm...are you new here?" I asked. I haven't seen her in any of my classes so I knew that the answer was probably going to be yes, but I asked anyways.

       "Yes I am, I was actually headed to my math class but I got lost and then, well uhm, that's when I bumped into you," the girl explained, "I'm Ju-kyung by the way."

       "I'm Seojun," I replied.

       "Well I'm sorry for bumping into you Seojun," Ju-kyung once again apologized.

       "I'll forgive you if you buy me some strawberry milk," I stated with a smirk. She looked confused for a second, but then she just shrugged and replied with a "sure". I smiled at the thought of getting some free strawberry milk. Yum.

       "Who's your math teacher? I can help you find your class," I offered.

       "Oh, Mrs. Kim," she responded.

       "It's your lucky day, I have Mrs. Kim as my math teacher too. Follow me," I said as I started walking back to class, and Ju-kyung trailed behind me.

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