Chapter 6: Why Are You So Nice to Me?

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       Suho's POV:

"I guess she isn't here," Seojun mumbled as we both walked into the nurse's office. It was a bit strange that the nurse already left school, but I just shrugged and made my way towards a bed in the nurse's office. I sat down carefully, avoiding to put too much pressure on my hip since it still hurt like crazy.

"Lemme go find the first aid kit," Seojun said. I nodded and watched as Seojun searched around the room and looked through the cabinets. Eventually, he found the kit.

"Found it!" Seojun cheered, a huge smile plastered on his face.


Seojun pulled up a chair and positioned it across from me before sitting down on it. Then he began to tend to my wounds, starting with my arm.

"Ouch," I winced as he rubbed the medication onto my still fresh wounds. He apologized before continuing to apply the ointment onto my cuts, but this time he was more gentle.

Seojun grabbed a few band aids from out of the first aid kit and applied them where needed on my arm. I was grateful that he was willing to tend to my cuts, because I really didn't want them to get infected.

"Do you have any other wounds?" Seojun asked as he scanned over my body in search of any cuts or bruises.

"Um...yes actually," I admitted, "When I fell, I landed on my hip. It still stings like crazy."

Seojun gently placed the tips of his fingers on the bottom of my shirt and lifted it up a bit.

"W-what are you d-doing?" I stuttered as my face turned hot.

"Let me apply medication to your hip. You have pretty bad cuts there," Seojun explained as he squeezed some ointment onto his fingers and gently lathered it onto the raged slits that covered my hip. I gasped at the cold stinging sensation that filled my body once the medicine hit my open wounds.

"Almost done, don't worry," Seojun reassured me, sensing my uneasiness. I nodded and watched him bandage up my hip. Once he was done, he slowly pulled my shirt back down.

       Damn, that was hot..

"Thanks," I managed to utter out.

"No problem," Seojun replied as he got up from his chair and placed the first aid kit back into the cabinet where he had found it.

"I was just wondering...why are you so nice to me?" I asked the black haired student.

"Huh?" Seojun replied, clearly surprised by my sudden question.

"It's just that, nobody else is nice to me. I've gotten so used to the feeling of being alone that now I feel just confused I guess...and why are you so nice? I don't get it," I ranted as I fiddled with my fingers a bit. I knew i probably sounded pretty dumb right now, but to be completely honest, i'm scared that someday Seojun will forget about me and ignore me just like everyone else at the school does.

Seojun must've sensed my discomfort, because he made his way towards me and wrapped his arms around me, gently pulling me into a warm hug. He was careful not to put pressure on my body because he knew that it still ached a bit.

I leaned into Seojun's body and breathed in his sweet scent. God, his natural fragrance was so attractive. Unlike most men, Seojun didn't reek of cheep cologne.

I was addicted to his aroma.

"Suho, you know I'm here for you, right? I'm nice to you because you're my friend, so I care about you. And I'm sorry that you felt alone, but I promise that I'll never let you feel alone again, okay?" Seojun comforted me, gently rubbing my back with his hand.

"Okay," I replied softly, enjoying the feeling of being near Seojun. This was the first time I've gotten a hug in a while. I needed it.

After embracing each other for another minute or two, we let go of each other and began walking out of the nurse's office.

"See you tomorrow?" Seojun asked me.

"Mhm," I hummed, nodding my head.

We waved goodbye to each before heading our separate ways. This long day of school was finally over.

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