Chapter 41: I'm Going To Do It

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(A/N: Thank you so much for over 1k votes! I appreciate it! P.S. Try to pay attention to the POV's in this chapter, because they switch between Suho and Seojun's perspectives a lot.)

       Suho's POV:

       "I'm going to do it," I thought, "I'm going to tell Seojun that I like him at the party."

       Would I regret this decision later? Probably. But to be completely honest, I was tired of having to always hide my feelings from him, and I knew that I needed to tell him that I liked him before it was too late.

       "You can do this. Don't chicken out," I whispered to myself as I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I had just changed out of my school uniform and into some more casual clothing. My outfit consisted of a white t-shirt, black jeans, and a blue sweatshirt.

       I exited my bathroom and walked over to the desk in my bedroom. I picked up my phone from where it was sitting on my desk and checked the time. It was 8:50 which meant that the party was starting in 10 minutes.

       I headed downstairs and out the front door, making sure to lock the door behind me afterwards. The host of the party had sent everyone their address, so I typed it into an app on my phone to help direct me to their house.

       Once I arrived at the house I took a deep breath in and rang the doorbell. After a few seconds a guy who looked somewhere around my age opened the door, allowing me to enter.

       "Thanks," I mumbled before hesitantly making my way into the house which was packed with people. Music was blasting and many people were dancing. I noticed that some kids were even drinking alcohol, not caring that they were underaged.

       "Where's Seojun?" I wondered as I pushed past the crowd of people, trying to spot him.


Seojun's POV:

       "I'm going to do it," I thought, "I'm going to ask Ju-kyung out tonight at the party."

       I was currently riding my motorcycle to the location of the party. My plan was to ask Ju-kyung out tonight, and hopefully she would say yes because it would be pretty humiliating  if she rejected me.

       I parked my motorcycle outside on the driveway once I arrived at the house. Then I made my way to the front door and rang the doorbell. The door opened almost immediately and I, without hesitation, walked into the house. I felt a rush of excitement as I looked around the room. People were dancing and singing, and everyone seemed to be having a good time.

       After some searching I was finally able to find Ju-kyung. She was sitting on a couch, drinking some fruit punch.

       "Hey," I said as I took a seat next to her on the couch.

       "Oh hi!" She exclaimed.

       "Watcha doing?" I asked, curious to know why she had been sitting alone.

       "I may or may not have been waiting for you," she replied, giving me a sheepish grin.

       "Oh really? Were you that eager to see me?" I teased, to which she just playfully shoved me.

       "Im gonna go get a drink. I'll be right back," I said before getting up from the couch and heading in the direction of the snack table.

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