Chapter 17: Lip Tint

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       Seojun's POV:

       Today was Saturday, which meant that tomorrow was my sister Gowoon's birthday. I needed to find a last minute gift, and fast.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and called Ju-kyung.

"Hey, you remember our deal, right? You gotta help me find a gift for Gowoon," I said.

"Don't worry, I remember. How about we meet up at the mall in 15 minutes, okay?" She asked me.

"Sounds good, see ya!" I replied before hanging up the call.

I decided to change into some nicer clothes, so I walked over to my closet and put on black jeans, a black shirt, and a black leather jacket. Then I fixed up my hair and put on my silver earrings before checking the time.

I had 7 minutes, which was more than enough time to drive to the mall. Perfect.

      I swiftly walked down the stairs and into the living room. My mom and Gowoon were sitting on the couch watching a kdrama on the tv.

"Mom, I'm gonna go shopping with a friend today, okay?" I told my mom and she nodded.

I rode my motorcycle to the mall (which my mom didn't know). Once there I parked my motorcycle and headed into the mall. I glanced around, trying to spot Ju-kyung.

"Where is she?" I pondered as I continued to look for her, but my question was answered when I saw her already in a store, trying on makeup. I scoffed and walked into the makeup store and I lightly patted her shoulder to let her know that I was here.

"Oh, hi Seojun!" Ju-kyung said as she put down the eyeshadow that she was swatching on her wrist.

" you have any idea of what I should get Gowoon?" I asked Ju-kyung as I picked up a random mascara from off of a shelf.

"Hm, well we should probably get her something she can use how about we get her some lip tint!" Ju-kyung decided as she snatched the mascara from out of my hands and placed it back onto the shelf. Then she grabbed my wrist and dragged me towards an aisle filled with lipsticks and lip tints.

"Ooh, this one looks pretty!" Ju-kyung said as she picked up a lip tint in the shade of ruby from off of a shelf. She was right, the shade did look nice and I could imagine Gowoon using it often.

"I gotta test it on someone to see what it looks like out of the bottle," Ju-kyung said as she screwed open the lip tint. Then she faced my direction and positioned the wand in front of my lips.

"W-wait what?" I stuttered as Ju-kyung was about to put the lip tint on my lips. Her face was only a few inches away from mine which made my cheeks sear red. My heart pounded as I continued to observe Ju-kyung's face up close. God, she was beautiful.

"Stop being such a baby, you're her brother so you look like her which means that we can see if the color will suit her or not," Ju-kyung explained. I hesitantly nodded.

Ju-kyung gently applied the lip tint to my lips and used the tip of her finger to blend the color in smoothly. My whole face felt heated, and I was a bit embarrassed because I knew for a fact that Ju-kyung could see that I was blushing. Once she was finished applying the lip tint on me, she gestured for me to look in the mirror and I obeyed.

And wow, the shade looked gorgeous on my lips. It enhanced my natural lip color and matched well with my pale complexion.

"I think this one will look great on her," I said as I turned to face Ju-kyung. She grinned and nodded her head.

We both walked to the check out and I payed for the lip tint. Then we exited the store and walked side by side to the parking lot.

"Thank you for helping me out," I said to Ju-kyung and she looked up at me, giving me a warm smile.

"I'll see you later," Ju-kyung replied before she walked in the direction of her car. I got onto my motorcycle and rode home.

Once home, I headed into my bedroom and wrapped Gowoon's present. I also wrote her a card.

"I hope you like it," I whispered to myself before collapsing onto my bed and falling asleep, not caring that it was still 2 in the afternoon.

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