Chapter 11: Strawberry Milk

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Later that day, after school...

Suho's POV:

"What should I get?" I pondered as I walked around the grocery store and scanned through the food aisles. I was craving something sweet put I couldn't decide what I wanted to buy.

       "I'm kinda thirsty, might as well get something to drink," I finally decided and headed over to the drink aisle.

I walked past the soft drinks as well as the coffee and tea. There weren't many options at this store to be honest. Eventually I made my way to the milk section, and there I saw plain milk, vanilla milk, chocolate milk, banana milk, and strawberry milk.

Right when I saw the strawberry milk I thought of Seojun. I remembered that he was drinking strawberry milk at lunch that one day when he gave me the panda doodle. I still had that doodle, and I brought it with me everywhere I went, but I couldn't let Seojun know that or else he would tease me a whole bunch.

I stuck my hand into my pocket and searched through it to find the doodle. Once I felt the piece of paper I pulled it out of my pocket gently.

 Once I felt the piece of paper I pulled it out of my pocket gently

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I grinned as I admired the doodle. In a way, it represented Seojun and I's friendship since he gave this to me the day we became friends. I carefully placed the doodle back into my pocket and then looked at the different flavors of milk.

I decided to grab a bottle of vanilla milk. Right as I was about to leave to go pay for the drink, I couldn't help but imagine how happy Seojun would be if I bought him a bottle of strawberry milk.

I pictured Seojun thanking me with a hug and then grinning at me with that sweet smile of his that I've grown to adore.

"I have enough money for two drinks, right? I'll just get both," I thought as I grabbed a bottle of strawberry milk. I planned on giving the strawberry milk to Seojun tomorrow morning at the front of the school. I couldn't wait to see his reaction.

I walked over to the checkout area and quickly payed for the drinks. There was no line since it was 7pm, pretty late in the day.

"Here you go sir," the checkout lady said as she handed me a bag filled with both the strawberry and vanilla milk.

"Thank you, have a nice evening!" I politely said as I exited the grocery store.

As I walked home, I admired the sky. The sun was just beginning to set now so the sky was an ombré of pink, purple and orange.

"I can't wait to give you this strawberry milk," I whispered to myself as I now arrived at my house.

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