Chapter 39: Doubt

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       Seojun's POV:

       "You may now begin your tests," the teacher instructed us.

       I looked down at the test lying on my desk, glancing over the page. There were 15 questions and we had 40 minutes to complete the entire test.

       I picked up my pencil and began solving the math problems, remembering everything that Suho had taught me last night while we were studying together. The questions were a bit easier than what I had expected and after around 30 minutes I was finished.

      "I hope I did well," I whispered to myself as I got up and turned in my test to the teacher, heading back to my seat afterwards. I decided to doodle in my notebook for the rest of class since there were still 10 minutes left.


       I walked into music class right as the bell rang and took a seat at my usual desk, next to Ju-kyung. She looked over at me, giving me a smile, and I couldn't help but smile right back at her.

       "Hello everyone! Before we begin class I'd like to remind you all that the fall talent show is coming up soon, so if you'd like to enter make sure to let me know as soon as possible!" The teacher announced.

       "Should I enter it?" I pondered as I tapped my pen against my desk. Even if I did enter, what would I sing? And would I even sound good, or would it just be embarrassing for me? These questions swirled around in my brain for the rest of class, distracting me from focusing on what was being taught by the teacher.

       "Seojun?" I heard someone say as they tapped my shoulder which caused me to flinch a bit.

       "Yah?" I asked, turning around and facing them.

       "Are you okay? You've been spacing out a lot during class," Ju-kyung replied, sounding concerned.

       "Oh...yes I'm fine. I was just debating whether or not to enter the talent show," I mumbled, awkwardly scratching the back of my neck.

       "Well I think you should enter. I've heard you sing before and you're amazing!" Ju-kyung told me.

       "But if I mess up then the whole school will make fun of me and then it'll just be humiliating for me and my reputation will be ruined and-" I ranted, but I stopped talking mid-sentence when I felt Ju-kyung place her hand on top of my own, interlacing our fingers.

       "Seojun, stop doubting yourself. You're kind and talented and handsome, so instead of worrying about what could go wrong, think about what could go right," she told me, giving my hand a gentle, reassuring squeeze.

       "Gosh, you're way too nice," I laughed, feeling motivated by her words. I guess she was right, this was my chance to show off my talent, I couldn't just give it up because I was scared.

       "Thank you," I said, and she nodded her head in response.

       Now feeling more confident, I got up from my desk and made my way to the teachers desk.

       "Hey," I said, trying to gain the teacher's attention.

       "Oh, hello! What do you need?" She asked, politely waiting for my answer.

       I took a deep breath in and replied by saying, "I'd like to enter into the fall talent show."

     "Okay!" She grinned, and I watched as she typed my name into a list of all of the students who were planning on participating in the talent show.

       I walked back to my desk and looked over at Ju-kyung, locking eyes with her.

       "I did it," I whispered to her.

       "I'm so proud of you!" she beamed, pulling me into a hug.

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