Chapter 27: My Tutor

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Seojun's POV:

"Where's Ju-kyung?" I wondered as I looked around the lunchroom. She wasn't in math or music class today. Maybe she was sick.

I walked over to the lunch table that Suho and I usually sat at together.

"Hey Suho?" I said as I sat across from him.

"Mhm?" Suho replied as he took a bite out of his sandwich.

"Have you seen Ju-kyung today?" I asked.

" I haven't," Suho replied blandly.

"Okay," I sighed.

"What, do you miss her or something?" Suho scoffed, rolling his eyes at me.

"I mean...yah I guess," I shrugged. God, this conversation was already getting way too awkward.

"I have something to ask you," I eventually blurted out in order to break the silence that had formed between us.

"Okay?" Suho replied as he took another bite out of his sandwich.

"So I'm kind of looking for a math tutor right now, and I was wondering if you know...tutor me," I explained.

Without much hesitation Suho replied by saying, "Sure".

"Well that was easy," I whispered to myself as I grinned at Suho.

"Thanks," I said as I leaned over the table and ruffled Suho's soft hair.

"You're welcome," Suho replied, slightly blushing at my touch.

"Here," I said as I grabbed my phone from out of my pocket and handed it to Suho. He looked at me with a confused expression.

"Give me your number so that I can text you when I'm available for you to come over and tutor me," I explained, and Suho nodded his head.

"Okay, here," Suho said as he handed my phone back to me after he finished putting his number in.

I then began eating my lunch, and Suho continued eating his as well. Once lunch was over Suho and I got up and put our empty trays away.

"See you later," I said as I waved goodbye to Suho.

"Mhm," Suho hummed as he smiled at me.

We then both exited the lunchroom and headed to our classes.

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