Chapter 52: Chaos

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       Suho's POV:

       After changing into my hoodie and shorts, I headed over to where Seojun was sitting on his bed. He was staring down at something in his hands. Curious, I took a step closer to him and looked over his shoulder.

       "Is that my phone?" I asked, causing Seojun to jump. He hadn't realized that I'd been standing behind him.

       "Uh- yeah," he blurted out before quickly turning the phone off.

       "What were you looking at?" I questioned as I grabbed the phone out of his hand, turning it back on.

       "Wait-," Seojun tried to warn me, but he was too late, I could already see the text.

Father: I'm coming home tomorrow.

       I stared blankly at the phone, reading the message over and over again.

       "I...I don't want to see him," I muttered before deleting his contact off of my phone, placing the phone on the bedside table afterwards.

       "Are you sure? Maybe you two should talk-"

       "No," I interrupted Seojun, "He can't just come back home after being gone for weeks and expect everything to be fine between the two of us. He's my dad for fucks sake, but he doesn't even act like one."

       Frustrated, I flopped down onto Seojun's bed and shut my eyes.

       "Why does life have to be so complicated," I groaned as I covered my face with my hands.

       "I'm sorry Suho," Seojun sighed as he laid next to me on the bed, wrapping his arms around my body.

       "I just realized that we still have school tomorrow," I mumbled as I snuggled my head into his chest. "I really don't want to go."

       "Same," Seojun agreed. "Tomorrow I'm gonna find whoever took that goddamn picture of us and beat their ass."

         I laughed at his boldness, "Okay mister tough guy, how about we just go to bed for now."

       "Can I have a kiss first?" he whined.

       "You're such a baby," I scoffed before placing a peck onto his lips. "Happy?"

       "Mmm~ very," he replied in a faint whisper before falling asleep.

(The Next Day At School)

         The rumors about Seojun and I were even worse the next day. During the passing period, all I could hear was people babbling on about us.

       "Didn't Suho and Seojun ditch school yesterday?"

       "I wonder what they did together..."

       Ignoring the remarks, I walked over to my locker and began to grab my textbooks out of it. From the corner of my eye, I spotted Ju-kyung whispering something into a guy's ear.

       "Isn't that Seyeon?" I mumbled once I could see a bit of his face. I was right, that definitely was Seyeon, that new kid. But why was he with Ju-kyung?

       I quietly made my way closer to the two of them, watching as Ju-kyung reached into her pocket. Her hand fiddled around in it before she finally pulled out something. It was money.

       Ju-kyung quickly handed Seyeon the money before turning around and facing my direction. Her eyes locked with mine, widening once she realized that I had been watching them.

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