Chapter 21: The Fitting Room

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After school...

       Suho's POV:

       "C'mon," Seojun said as he dragged me into a clothing store. The store was pretty big and contained a large variety of clothes as well as jewelry.

       "Is there anything in particular you wanna get?" Seojun asked me.

       "Not really," I shrugged.

       "Let's start with shirts then," Seojun decided and I nodded my head.

       In the men's clothing section there were a bunch of shirts in mostly neutral colors like gray and white. The shirts seemed like they would suit Seojun more than me, but I still looked around to find something that could look good on me.

       After some searching I eventually found a shirt that I liked. It was a sky blue button up.

       "Hey Seojun, I found a shirt that I like," I said as I lightly tapped his shoulder.

       "Wait that's all? I can get you more," Seojun offered, but I shook my head no. I didn't want to be greedy.

       "Okay, well I'm going to grab a few shirts and then we can go," Seojun said. I then followed him and watched him pick out several shirts. Most of them were black oversized shirts, but every once in a while he picked out a blue or red shirt. His style was very different from mine, and he gave off a very distinct "bad boy" vibe.

While we walked around the store I noticed that there was a fitting room. Maybe it would be a good idea to try on my shirt before I bought it just in case it didn't look good on me.

"Hey...Seojun? Can I go try on my shirt in the fitting room?" I timidly asked him.

"Sure, I need to try on a few shirts too anyways," he replied as he playfully ruffled my hair. The two of us then walked over to the fitting room.

"We both would like to try on some clothes," Seojun said to one of the workers.

"Oh, well there's only one stall available at the moment so...would you like to go together?" The worker replied.

"Um..." Seojun hesitated as he turned to face me.

"Oh um yah, that's fine," I shrugged. I mean we change in front of each other every day for gym so it wouldn't be any different now, right? The worker nodded and handed me the key to one of the stalls. We both thanked her before heading into the stall together, locking the door behind us.

"So should I just..." I trailed off as I got ready to take my shirt off.

"Oh yah, I can look away if you want...or," Seojun mumbled.

"No it's don't have to look away," I whispered back, my cheeks now burning red. God, this was getting way too awkward.

With my eyes closed, I slowly pulled my shirt off of my body. I shivered as I felt the cold air hit my bare chest. My abs were on full display for Seojun to see which made me feel a bit embarrassed.

Seojun handed me my blue button up and our hands gently brushed against each other in the action.

       "Thank you," I whispered, and he nodded his head in response.

       I quickly put the shirt on, allowing the cloth to cover up my once bare chest. Then I looked at my reflection in the mirror of the fitting room stall. The shirt fit me pretty well, but the sleeves were a bit long on me. You could only see my fingertips.

       "Here," Seojun said as he rolled up my sleeves for me.

       "Thank you," I said as I grinned at him.

       "Your welcome," he replied as he grinned right back at me.

       I turned to once again face the mirror. The shirt now fit me perfectly thanks to Seojun.

       "I like it," I said as I admired my reflection.

       "It looks great on you," Seojun complimented me.

       I then changed back into my school uniform and watched Seojun try on three of his shirts. The first shirt was long sleeved and had black and white stripes. The second shirt was blue with a white logo in the center. And the third shirt he tried on was just plain black. He had a few other shirts too, but he didn't bother trying those on because he assumed that they would fit fine on him.

       "Okay, let's go," Seojun said once he was finished, and I nodded. We both walked out of the fitting room and returned our stall's key before heading to the check out area.

       "You guys are such a cute couple," the lady at the register said as she folded and placed our clothes into bags.

       "Oh, no we aren't dating," Seojun corrected the lady as he awkwardly scratched the back of his neck.

       "Really? Sorry, you just seemed like you were dating," she shrugged as she handed our bags of clothes to us.

       "It's okay," Seojun mumbled.

       The two of us then exited the store. An awkward silence formed between us as we walked on the sidewalk together.

       "Hey, can I take you somewhere?" I asked, breaking the tension.

       "Sure," he replied.

       I grinned and laced my fingers through Seojun's, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze.

       "Let's go."

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