Chapter 53: I Miss You

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       Seojun's POV:

       I grabbed my phone and texted Suho.

Seojun: Are you okay?

       As I expected, he didn't respond.

       Sighing, I placed my phone next to where I was laying on my bed and hid my face underneath my blanket. Falling asleep that night was difficult as I was too worried about Suho to even shut my eyes. Minutes turned to hours and eventually it was daytime.

       I heard a knock coming from my door. I chose to ignore it.

       "Seojun? Are you still asleep? You gotta get ready for school right now or else you'll be late!" I heard my mom warn me.

       My body was too exhausted to move, leaving me sweaty and immobile on my mattress. Wearily, my eyes trailed from the pillow laying next to me to my phone which I had forgotten to charge. I reached down and picked it up, lightly tapping the screen.

You Have 1 New Message

       I jolted upwards and clicked on the notification, eyes widening once I saw who it was.

Suho: I'm moving.

       I blinked. Reread the text. Then blinked once again. My fingers began to type a response.

Seojun: What?

Suho: My dad is forcing me to move with him to America. We're leaving today.

       My head felt like it was spinning as I tried to swallow what was going on. Not to mention, I was currently running on zero sleep. Panicking, I sent Suho even more text messages.

Seojun: You can't.

Seojun: Tell him no.

Seojun: You can come live with my family.

Seojun: Please Suho.

Seojun: Stay.

Seojun: I love you.

Suho: I'll miss you Seojun.

       That was the final text Suho sent me before he blocked me. I didn't understand why he blocked me, nor did I know why him and his father were moving. I needed answers, but got none in return.

       Life is cruel.

      Even after explaining to my mom what had happened, she still forced me to go to school, claiming that my education was important. Once I walked into my first class of the day, math, I felt even more sick to the stomach. I had to sit by Suho's empty desk.

       Music class wasn't any better. The teacher wouldn't stop talking about the talent show which just reminded me of the song that Suho had written for me. By now I was questioning if I even wanted to perform on Friday. Was there really a point of me singing if Suho wouldn't be there in the crowd watching me?

       During lunch, I sat alone, chewing on my stale sandwich as I stared blankly at the glossy, tile floor.

       One of my friends walked up to me, asking, "Hey, you wanna sit at our table today? You look kinda lonely sitting here all by yourself."

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