Chapter 18: Gowoon's Birthday

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       Seojun's POV:

       "Happy birthday Gowoon!" I cheered once I saw Gowoon come walking into the kitchen. She had a huge smile plastered onto her face, and she replied with a sweet "thank you".

       I quickly cooked some blueberry pancakes (Gowoon's favorite breakfast), and served each of us 4 pancakes. After we all ate up our pancakes, we all went into our rooms to get ready and change into our outfits for the day.

       "Hm...what should I wear?" I pondered as I looked through my clothes. I owned a lot of sweatshirts, but today I wanted to wear something a bit nicer. Eventually I decided to wear a blue shirt that was a bit oversized, along with my usual black jeans and silver earrings. I decided to wear a silver cross necklace as well to match with my earrings and make my outfit look more put together.

       I headed downstairs and into the living room once I was done getting ready. A few minutes later Gowoon and my mom walked into the living room too. Gowoon wore a white dress and my mom wore a blue one.

       "So, what do you want to do for your birthday?" I asked Gowoon as she sat by me on the couch.

       "I'm not sure," she replied shrugging.

       "Maybe we could-," I began saying, but before I could finish my sentence the doorbell rang, interrupting me.

       I walked over to the door and opened it. There I saw a boy around Gowoon's age holding a present and smiling at me. He had brown hair that covered his forehead as well as brown eyes.

       "Uhh...who are you?" I asked, now confused.

       "Oh, I'm Juyoung, Gowoon's boyfriend," the boy said proudly.

       "WAIT WHAT," I screamed, which caused the boy to jump. Why didn't Gowoon tell me she had a boyfriend? I was shocked.

       "Juyoung?" I heard Gowoon say behind me. I watched her walk over to Juyoung and hug him.

       "You have some explaining to do," I scolded Gowoon, but she just ignored me and held Juyoung's hand.

       "Come in," Gowoon said to the boy as she gestured for him to come inside, and he did. They both sat on the couch together, still holding hands.

       "Are you guys in the same grade?" I asked as I took a seat on edge of the couch.

       "Yup, we also have a lot of classes together," Juyoung replied as he nodded his head.

       "Why didn't you tell us?" My mom asked as she gave Gowoon a puzzled look.

       "We didn't know how you guys would react, so we were just nervous to tell anyone," Gowoon shrugged.

       " do you have any siblings?" I asked Juyoung, deciding to change the conversation so that the couple wouldn't feel awkward.

       "Yup, her name's Ju-kyung. She's probably in your grade," Juyoung replied.

       "Ju-kyung? She's your sister?" I questioned, a bit shocked. I guess he did look similar to Ju-kyung so it made sense that they were siblings.

       "Oh, do you know her?" He asked, and I replied by nodding my head. Who knew that my sister would be dating Ju-kyung's brother. Did Ju-kyung even know?

       "Here, I got you this?" Juyoung said as he handed a present to Gowoon. She thanked him before delicately ripping open the wrapping paper to reveal the present.

       It was a silver necklace with a heart shaped charm.  "Gowoon" was engraved onto the charm of the necklace. I could tell that Gowoon was going to love the necklace.

       "It's so pretty! Thank you!" Gowoon gushed as she hugged Juyoung. He helped her put the necklace on afterwards.

        "Here's my gift," I said as I handed Gowoon my present for her. She thanked me and ripped open the wrapping paper.

       "I LOVE IT!" She screamed as she tried on the lip tint. As I expected, the color looked gorgeous on her and suited her so well. I grinned at her while saying "your welcome".

       "So, have you decided what you want to do today?" I asked Gowoon after she finished reading Juyoung, mom, and I's cards.

       "I was planning on watching a movie with her," Juyoung said. I gave him a questioning look since I knew what went down in movie theaters. I imagined the two of them "accidentally" touching hands while reaching for popcorn at the same time.

"You guys can go, just stay safe, okay?" My mom said and Gowoon and Juyoung nodded aggressively before practically dashing out of the house without saying goodbye.

I scoffed and headed into my room, now bored because I didn't have anything to do. I decided to text Ju-kyung to see what she was doing. Maybe we could hang out.

       Me: I'm bored. Wanna hang out?

Ju-kyung: Sure! Let's meet up in 10 minutes at the cafe.

Me: Sounds good, see ya soon.

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