Chapter 10: Who is She?

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       Suho's POV:

I looked up as I heard the classroom door open. There I saw Seojun and a girl walk into the classroom.

"Who is she?" I wondered as I looked back and forth between Seojun and the brunette girl. Seojun walked over and sat down in his usual seat, next to me. The girl followed him and sat on the other side of Seojun in a random empty desk.

"Are they...friends?" I pondered as I lightly tapped my pencil on my desk. I've never seen this girl at school before, so I'm guessing that she's a new student.

Seojun and the girl opened up their math notebooks and began to work on some math problems. Not gonna lie, I was surprised that Seojun was actually trying to do his math work because he usually just slept or doodled during class. I shrugged and started working on my own math equations, trying to get it all done now so that I would have no homework.

"Seojun, do you understand how to do this?" I heard someone whisper, which immediately distracted me from my work.

"Do I look like I understand this stuff?" Seojun replied to the girl with an eyebrow raised. The girl looked frustrated and sighed before attempting to solve the equation again. Minutes passed by and some students were now beginning to finish the class work. I was close to being done, but I still had a few problems left.

The room was silent as everyone focused on their math equations. But of course, Seojun somehow managed to drop his pencil which disrupted the peace and quiet and startled multiple students.

Both Seojun and the girl bent down to pick up the pencil, and I saw that their hands gently brushed against each other in the process. They both muttered a "sorry" before the girl finally picked up the pencil and handed it to Seojun.

"Thanks," he whispered to her, and she nodded her head in response.

I scoffed as I watched the two of them bond. Seojun could've picked up the pencil himself, he didn't need her to do it for him.

The bell then rang, interrupting me from my thoughts. I shut my notebook and shoved it into my backpack before getting up from my chair and getting ready to head to my next class, music. I was looking forward to music class because I wasn't able to talk much with Seojun during math today.

"Ya! Come back here Ju-kyung!" I heard Seojun yell as he chased after the girl who was now running away with the keys of his motorcycle.

"I guess her name is Ju-kyung," I muttered as I walked out of the math class and silently made my way to music class.

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