Chapter 16: Need a Ride Home?

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Seojun's POV:

       "Are you going to walk home?" I asked Suho as we both walked side by side on the sidewalk.

       "Probably," Suho replied shrugging.

       "Need a ride home?" I offered Suho. He glanced up at me and replied by saying "Are you sure?"

       "Mhm, c'mon let's go," I said as I made my way to the school's parking lot, and Suho trailed behind me. I scanned the parking lot and was quickly able to spot my vehicle.

A black motorcycle. My mom hated it when I rode my motorcycle because she was worried that I would get hurt, so I usually rode my motorcycle without her knowing. I motioned for Suho to get onto it.

"Wait a second, I didn't know you had a motorcycle! I'm not getting on that, what if we get hurt!" Suho complained with his arms crossed.

"Don't you trust me?" I asked Suho.

He hesitated for a moment before answering with a quiet "yes". Then I helped him onto the motorcycle and handed him a spare helmet that I usually kept in my backpack.

"You better not kill us," Suho muttered as I got onto the motorcycle too after putting on my own helmet.

"I'll try," I joked, which earned me a smack in the arm from Suho.

"Where do you live?" I asked.

After Suho finished telling me where he lives, I advised him to hold on tight, and he obeyed. I felt his arms wrap around my waist and he laid his head on my back. He was probably tired from all of the drama that happened at school today.

"Are you scared?" I asked, tilting my head to face Suho.

"A bit..." he replied shrugging.

"Then close your eyes. I'll be careful, I promise, okay?" I told him and he nodded his head before slowly closing his eyes.

The engine roared as I started up the motorcycle, and I felt Suho squeeze my waist a little tighter. As the motorcycle moved forwards, I felt him nuzzle his face into my back.


After a few minutes we eventually arrived at Suho's house. He carefully got off of the motorcycle and handed his helmet back to me with a smile.

"Thanks," he said and I nodded, grinning at him. Suho then waved goodbye and walked into his house, gently shutting the door behind him.

I started up my motorcycle and rode it back to my house, smiling the entire way home.

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