Chapter 38: Breakfast

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Seojun's POV:

I woke up with a heavy weight laying on my arm, making my entire limb numb.

When I opened my eyes I saw Suho peacefully sleeping next to me, looking absolutely stunning in the early morning sunlight.

His head was wresting on my arm and I could feel his legs wrapped around my own legs underneath the blanket. I smirked as I watched him continue to nuzzle up against my body, enjoying the warmth of my body against his own.

He looked so comfortable as he slept, so I decided to let him sleep a bit more before waking him up for school. I carefully adjusted his head so that he was now laying on his pillow which allowed me to get up from the bed and head to the kitchen to make some breakfast for the two of us.

"What would Suho want?" I wondered as I looked around the interior of his fridge. He had some eggs which seemed easy enough for me to cook, so I grabbed them as well as a pan and began cooking them sunny-side up.

Once the eggs were done I made some toast, two for him and two for me. He had some strawberry milk in his fridge, so I decided to pour each of us a glass to complete the meal.

"Perfect," I grinned before heading back upstairs in order to wake Suho up. Once I entered the bedroom, I saw Suho still asleep on the bed.

"Suho, it's time to wake up, school starts soon," I whispered, giving his shoulder a gentle shake.

"But I'm tired," he groaned, lifting the blanket over his head in an attempt to keep sleeping.

"But we have a math test today, remember? Plus I made breakfast, aren't you hungry?" I asked, trying to persuade him to get out of bed.

"You made breakfast?" He mumbled, pulling the blanket off of his head and finally opening his eyes.

"Mhm, and we better eat it before it gets cold," I replied.

"Okay," he finally agreed, and I watched as he tugged the rest of the blanket off his body, getting out of the bed.

The two of us walked downstairs and I handed Suho the breakfast that I had prepared for him.

"Thank you," he said before taking a bite out of his toast.

"No problem," I replied, playfully ruffling his still messy hair.

Once we were both done eating, we placed our empty dishes in the sink and headed back upstairs into Suho's bedroom.

"Do you have a spare uniform that I could wear today?" I asked, not wanting to have to wear the same clothes that I wore yesterday.

"Yah," he replied before walking over to his closet, grabbing one of his uniforms and handing it to me afterwards.

"It might be a bit small on you, but I'm sure it'll fit," he told me, and I nodded in response.

I changed in the restroom first, and afterwards Suho changed into his own uniform.

"You ready to go?" I asked Suho as I grabbed my backpack from off of the ground, slinging a strap over my shoulder.

"Yup," he nodded, grabbing his backpack as well.

The two of us exited Suho's house and headed in the direction of the bus stop. We entered the bus once it arrived, sitting next to each other in the seats near the back, and after around 15 minutes we arrived at our school.

"I hope I don't fail this math test," I muttered as we approached the school.

"You probably will," Suho teased me, to which I just scoffed at.

"C'mon, we better head to class now," he said as he opened the front doors of the school, walking inside, and I followed right behind him.

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