Chapter 36: Studying

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       Seojun's POV:

I gulped as I looked Suho up and down. He looked really handsome.

       "Hey," Suho said as he grinned at me.

       "Hi," I responded as I smiled back.

       "Come in," Suho said as he gestured for me to enter the house, and I did as told.

       "Wow, your house is really big," I said as I observed the interior of Suho's home. It was way fancier than my house, having way more decor.

       "I guess, but to be honest it gets pretty lonely living in this house," Suho confessed to me, his tone now seeming dismal.

"Oh...but don't you live with your dad?" I questioned.

"Uhm...well no. Not right now at least. He's on some big business trip or something, so he'll be gone for a while," He shrugged.

"So you're just living alone right now?" I asked.

"Mhm," he hummed in response.

"Oh," I mumbled.

We both awkwardly stood there in the center of Suho's living room for a while until he decided to finally break the silence.

"Anyways, let's go study now," he blurted out, and I nodded my head in return.

We walked upstairs and into Suho's room. I noticed that the walls of his room were gray, and his bedsheets were blue. Overall his room was pretty neat and organized.

"Your room's nice," I said as I continued to look around.

"Oh, thanks," Suho replied as he took a seat on the edge of his bed. I took off my backpack, unzipped it, and took my math textbook out of it.

"Thanks for agreeing to tutor me," I once again thanked Suho as I took a seat next to him on the bed.

"No problem," he replied as he gently patted me on the shoulder, giving me a gentle smile.

"So, what do you think you need the most practice with?" Suho asked me.

"Uhm...this," I said as I flipped open my textbook and pointed to the page labeled "Calculus".

"Okay, well we can start off with some practice problems," he told me, and I nodded.

       I placed the textbook in between the two of us and allowed Suho to guide me through the problems. He helped me figure out the first couple of answers, and I was able to correctly solve the last problems on my own.

       "You seem to understand calculus pretty well now. Is there anything else you need help with?" Suho asked me.

      "I could use some help with algebra to be honest," I admitted.

       "Okay," he responded as he flipped through the textbook, stopping once he landed on a page labeled "Algebra".

       Throughout the rest of the night Suho and I studied for the math test together. Once there were no questions left to solve, I shut my textbook and checked what time it was using my phone.

       "Uhm...Suho," I mumbled as I looked over at him.

       "Yah?" He replied as he raised an eyebrow at me.

       "It's 1 in the morning," I told him as I awkwardly scratched the back of my head. My mom was the one who had drove me to Suho's house, but by now she was probably asleep, and I couldn't just walk home when it was pitch black outside.

       "Oh," Suho gulped as his gaze went from me to his bed.

       "If you could sleep here tonight," he offered.

"Are you sure?" I questioned.

       "Yes," he replied.

       "Do you want me to sleep on your couch? I'm fine with doing that," I let Suho know, but in response he said, "Well I'm okay with you sleeping on my bed."

       "Then where will you sleep?" I asked.

       "Uhm," he hesitated, "With you?"

       I felt my heart begin to race and my face heat up at the thought of sleeping in the same bed as Suho.

       "O-okay," I stuttered, averting my gaze to my shoes.

       "Do you mind if I take a shower?" I asked Suho, trying to change the topic.

       "I don't mind, wait here I'll go get you a towel," he said before getting up from the bed and walking into his bathroom.

       "Thanks," I said once Suho handed me the towel, and he nodded in response.

       Then I walked into his bathroom, stripped out of my clothes and got in the shower. I turned the water on, allowing the warm water to soak my body. Then I lathered on some soap, washing it off afterwards.

       After figuring out which bottle was shampoo, I squeezed it into my hand and began to rub it into my hair.

       "It smells like him," I whispered to myself, smiling as I remembered the distinct floral smell of Suho's hair. Then I washed the shampoo out, put in conditioner, and washed that out as well.

       Once I was done washing up, I got out of the shower and dried myself with the white towel that Suho had given me, wrapping it around my waist afterwards.

       "Shoot, I don't have any clean clothes," I mumbled as I looked at the pile of my dirty clothes laying on the bathroom floor.

       "Maybe Suho can lend me some," I thought, and so I hesitantly opened the bathroom door and walked into Suho's room.

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