Chapter 43: Why Not Me?

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Suho's POV:

"I give up," I muttered as fresh tears began to seep out of my eyes, rolling down my face and landing onto my jeans. I was once again crying, but this time it was because of the pain of rejection.

"I shouldn't have told him...I should've kept my mouth shut," I sobbed, shaking my head in regret.

"I like him so fucking much, so why does he have to like her?" I wept as I looked down at my trembling hands.

"Why not me?" I uttered, clenching my fists until my knuckles turned white.

"Gosh...I sound so selfish right now. If he's happy with Ju-kyung then I should just respect their relationship and try to get rid of my feelings for Seojun," I sighed as I unclenched my fists and got up from my bed, heading in the direction of my bathroom.

I frowned once I saw my reflection in the mirror. I looked miserable. My shirt was stained with tears, my eyes were red and swollen, and my lips wouldn't stop quivering.

"I'm a mess..." I sniffled, wiping away the tears that covered my face with the sleeve of my hoodie. After turning the bathroom sink on, I splashed some water onto my face to help calm myself down.

"I can't keep living like isn't healthy for me," I sighed before walking out of the bathroom and heading over to my closet. I changed out of the clothes that I was wearing, replacing them with some clean clothes.

Then I walked over to my bed and laid down on it, covering myself with my blanket. I decided that I was going to distance myself from Seojun because I knew that I needed to move on. The last thing I wanted to do was mess with Seojun's relationship with Ju-kyung, so for now I was going to try my best to avoid Seojun and forget that I ever had feelings for him in the first place.

I adjusted my body into a more comfortable position on my bed, falling asleep shortly afterwards.

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